How To Create A Power Resume
What Is A Resume ?
A resume is a summary of your employment history and qualifications. What Is a Resume? A resume is a summary of your employment history and qualifications. Key Concept: The facilitator should stress that the resume is highly personalized. There is no one correct way to organize a resume, and writers should never simply copy a resume format. Job applicants should think about what makes them qualified for the position they are seeking, and they should stress these qualifications throughout.
What Is a Resume? A marketing tool that includes information about your education, work experience, and special skills
Types of Resumes ?
Chronological Resume: A chronological resume provides an overview of your education and employment history
Chronological Resume: A chronological resume lists everything by date, most recent first
A functional resume focuses on your skills and contains no dates
Combination Resume: A combination resume combines features of both the chronological and the functional resume
Combination Resume: A combination resume enables individuals with little to no employment history to highlight their skills
A Good Resume Should
A Good Resume Should: Create an instant and favorable impression of you as a potential employee.
A Good Resume Should: Be well organized and contain a readable layout that is visually pleasing.
A Good Resume Should: State your objective and position that you are applying for, i.e. Entry level part time sale clerk position.
A Good Resume Should: Use action verbs, i.e. planned, instructed, prepared, NOT DID, to emphasize your skills and qualifications.
A Good Resume Should: Contain statements that sell yourself to the employer, i.e. Strong interpersonal and teamwork skills.
A Good Resume Should: Document your interests, hobbies, and extracurricular activities. Employers look for outgoing and active individuals.
A Good Resume Should: Contain interests that relate to your career goals, not just watching television or listening to music.
A Good Resume Should: Include relevant activities and honors that you could discuss with your prospective employer or that have given you valuable experience or skills.
A Good Resume Should: Contain a cover letter that is written on paper that matches your resume.
Be mistake free and one page in length. Less Is More. A Good Resume Should: Most employers will spend 35 seconds scanning a resume to determine whether to schedule an interview or to discard a resume. These general guidelines will help employers locate information quickly and easily on the resume. Be mistake free and one page in length. Less Is More.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Food For Thought: You never get a second chance to make a first impression.