Chapter 22 Section 3 and 4
Women Middle class women had to work most times Widows were to never remarry if they were middle class or rich. Wore corsets (18 – 20 inch waists)! Supported Temperance Movement Wanted women’s suffrage
Temperance Movement
Jokes about women For all the guys who think a woman's place is in the kitchen, remember that's where the knives are kept. A boy asked his dad, "What's the difference between a woman and a slave?" His father replies, "I don't know, what?" His son says, "No, I was asking a question."
Men Two young men sneak on to a blind man's property in order to steal something of vaule. The blind man hears them and goes to the door with his shot gun. The two young men, seeing the blind man, stand motionless. The blind calls out, "Marco!". Silence. He tries once more, "Marco!" More silence. One more time, "Marco!" One of the young men, tired of the game, yells out, "We aren't going to fall for that..." *BANG!
Science Mendeleyev grouped the elements into a table which became basis for periodic table.
Mendeleyev’s Table
Charles Darwin Wrote On the Origin of Species. Evolution Natural selection aka survival of the fittest. Christians did not accept Darwin’s theories Social Darwinism was used by racists and rich guys.
Darwin’s Theory
Natural Selection
Romantacism 1750-1850 Glorified nature and sought to excite emotions in their audiences. Used in novels, poems, music, and art. Writers—Byron, Dumas. Musicians—Beethoven, Chopin Artists—Turner, Delacroix
Realism An attempt to represent the world as it was. Often brought the harsh realities. Writers—Dickens, Hugo Artists—Courbet, Eakins
Impressionism Tried to capture the first impression made by a scene or object. Painters—Monet, Degas. Postimpressionists developed a little later. Vincent van Gogh, Gauguin