December/January 2013/14 Classroom Presentation from Counselors February/March 2014 SMHS Field Trip 2/13 MHHS Field Trip 2/20 SMHS Presentation SMHS Select 9 th grade classes MHHS Presentation MHHS Select 9th grade classes June 2013 Promotion Ceremony
Promotion ceremony is important to parents and students Last activity for middle school Celebrate with family and friends Recognized for your hard work and effort Participation in promotion ceremony and 8 th grade activities you need to do the following: Act appropriately in your classrooms and at school Participate appropriately in class Complete your assignments Study for tests and quizzes
Any 8th grade student who receives two failing grades (Fs) or two unsatisfactory (U) citizenship grades in the same two classes for the first semester will have his/her progress reviewed in those classes at the last progress report of the 2 nd semester. If the F and U grade remain in both classes, the student shall be excluded from all promotion exercises, activities, and ceremonies. Students suspended from school during the last 9 weeks may be excluded from promotion exercises and end of year activities.
4 years of history/social science (40 credits) 4 years of English (40 credits) 2 years of math (20 credits) Algebra 2 years of science (20 credits) Biological & Physical 1 year language or performing arts (10 credits) 80 elective credits 2 years of P.E. (20 credits)
Poor test scores or grades in middle school, you will be placed in remediation classes These classes are not college prep. courses If you want to play team sports, you must have a 2.0 GPA or higher and no Fs
Prerequisites for honors and AP classes include : High score in language arts/reading test Good study/work habits Satisfactory citizenship A or B grade in 8th grade Teacher Recommendation
California High School Exit Examination Taken in grade 10 Can be repeated in grades 11 and 12 Focus on language arts and math Math mostly at Algebra level Need to pass the test to graduate
o A-G Subject Requirement o GPA Requirement o Exam Requirement o 15 Units must be taken in 11 th & 12 th grade (UC) o 11 college prep courses must be completed by senior year (UC) History/Social Science English Mathematics Laboratory Science Language Other Than English Visual and Performing Arts College Prep. Elective 2 Years Required 4 Years Required 3 Years Required (Alg., Geo., Alg. 2) 4 Years Recommended 2 Years Required 3-4 Years Recommended 2 Years Required (Of the Same Language) 3 Years Recommended 1 Year Required (dance, theatre, music, visual arts) 1 Year Required
7th & 8 th Graders Algebra I, Geometry, & Foreign Language (Spanish/Chinese ) Official Transcript A/B Semester Grades to move to the next level 9 th Graders English (World Studies) History (World Studies) Math (Algebra I / Geometry / Algebra II) Laboratory Science (Biology) Physical Education College Prep Elective Language other than English Music
High School Clubs Extra Curricular Activities Leadership Honors and Awards Volunteer / Community Service Employment Experience Socio-Economic Status low income, first generation, school of attendance
2.0 average in grades 7 and 8 C or higher in math and English grades 7 and 8 Guaranteed admission to CSUSM 4 years of high school in SMUSD Early Admission Program as junior Take SAT or ACT A-G with minimum C grade
Path to success – grades and behavior Focus on school – effort and motivation Choose friends who care about grades and complete homework Make healthy choices for your body Choose positive activities outside school Doing well at SEMS allows you more choices in high school 8 th Grade Matters!!
Set goals Complete assignments Monitor grades Manage time wisely Take advantage of programs Communicate/ask for help Be proud of your accomplishments
Student A Student B A-G9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th HistoryWorldUS EnglishEng. 1Eng. 2Eng. 3Eng. 4 MathAlg.Geo.Alg. 2 ScienceBio.Chem. LanguageSpan. 1Span. 2 ArtsBand I ElectiveJourn. A-G9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th HistoryWorldUS EnglishEng. 1Eng. 2Eng. 3Eng. 4 MathGeo.Alg. 2Pre-Cal.Calculus ScienceBio.Chem.Physics LanguageSpan. 1Span. 2Span. 3Span. 4 ArtsTheater 1Theater 2Acting ElectivePhy. Sci.Psych.Journ. AP/Honors Two examples of high school students coursework. Each student has the requirements to go to college. Which one is more likely to be accepted to the college of his/her choice? Choices you make in high school affect your future……
You cant wait till high school to be successful You need the materials you are learning now to survive high school Organizational skills Work habits Time management Testing strategies Class knowledge Social Skills Motivation
What does your future hold? Lets check your reality…. Reality Check worksheet (Money Choices)