Great Basin By: Dulce and Antonio
Great Basin Pre-Test How many sq. mi. is the Great Basin? What is the state that mostly is covered by the GB? P-J Woodlands: Does the suppression of fires cause Juniper tree invasion? What two deserts surround the GB? What are two Mountain ranges in the GB?
Rangeland Region Location The whole Great Basin region is 200,000 square mi. It covers most of Nevada, half of Utah, parts of California, Idaho, Oregon, and Wyoming. Death Valley, and the Mojave Desert surrounds the Great Basin region.(
Sagebrush Steppe Weather: Semiarid climate, wet springs, and long dry summers. Precipitation: 8-20 inches of rain per year (Wild Open Spaces) Dominant plants : Perennial herbaceous species can dominate or be co-dominant with sagebrush ( steppe-and-shrubland
Salt Desert Shrublands Dominant plants: shrubs such as shadscale, saltbrush, and winterfat Precipitation: 3-10 inches of rain per year( Wild open spaces) Type of soil: Soils of the salt desert shrub are often shallow to moderately deep, poorly developed, and a product of an arid climate and little precipitation. ( desert-shrubland
Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands Invasive plants: In recent decades the expansion of P-J woodlands has caused concern because of the invasion of juniper trees. (Wild open spaces) With this being said, humans generally try to protect places when fires occur, and while the fire is being put out there is a higher risk of more juniper tree invasion. In this case though, fires that are caused by humans actually reduce the invasion of juniper trees in this type of woodland. Dominant plants: pinyon trees and juniper trees co-dominate this type of woodland woodland Precipitation: 12-20 inches of rain per year. Side note: This vegetation type is important because it provides good cover and forage for wildlife and livestock. \
What is the great basin used for? The Great Basin is mostly used for grazing. It is also used for mining, ranching, and the creation of Great Basin National Park in 1986. x.htm
Great Basin Post Test 1. Locate on the given map where the Great Basin region is located at. 2. Explain: Why are P-J woodlands important to this region? 3. Develop an argument about if you think it is right for humans to cause fires in juniper tree areas or not. 4. Compare all of the woodlands and choose which one you would like to live in. 5.Hypothesize: Based on the information on the power point, in 10 years how do you think the GB will be used for?
Work Cited Slide 2: Rangeland Region Location Slide 3: sagebrush-steppe-and-shrubland Sagebrush Steppe Slide 4: salt-desert-shrubland Salt Desert Shrublands Slide 5: pinyon-juniper-woodland Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands Slide 6: tm Great Basin uses