OSE-EIS MAASE February 2010 UPDATES OSE-EIS MAASE February 2010
WHAT’S NEW? Michigan’s Race to the Top Application submitted Application and Summary on MDE website MDE’s Parts B and C Annual Performance Reports (APRs) submitted Posted on MDE Website
WHAT’S NEW? Watch for new Rules from the DODHH regarding standards for Interpreters Watch for the emerging series of Michigan Special Education One-Pagers Tied to understanding requirements and reporting of SPP and related components
WHAT’S COMING? Monitoring Priority Indicators for Winter Focused Monitoring: Indicator 4A (Suspensions & Expulsions of Students with IEPs) Indicator 4B (Suspensions & Expulsions of Students with IEPs by Race/Ethnicity)
WHAT’S COMING? Monitoring, continued: Definition of Significant Discrepancy for Indicators 4A and 4B 4A=5% or more of students with IEPs were suspended or expelled for more than 10 days 4B=Risk ratio of greater than 2.0 for suspensions and expulsions for more than 10 days
WHAT’S COMING? Monitoring, continued Data Sources Used 2008-2009 MICIS (Dec. 1 count) 3 submissions of 2008-2009 SRSD
WHAT’S COMING? Data Collection The 2010 Child Count will shift from December 1 to the 3rd Wednesday in November (November 17th in 2010). More details and reminders will follow over the next several months. THINK : “3win”
WHAT’S COMING Part B, Indicator 11 (Child Find/Initial IEPs): Per OSEP, data collected during 2009-2010 will include children from birth to three. To date collection has been ages 3-21 in the MSDS. The data points include. Date of Parental Consent Timeliness of Initial IEP Result of Initial IEP Days Beyond Timeline Infants/toddlers having their first IEP between July 1, 2009 & June 30, 2010 are to be included in the MSDS spring or year end collection
WHAT’S COMING In order to meet our obligation to assure that all students are considered in our analysis of disproportionate representation: beginning with the spring 2010 analysis of 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 data, the OSE-EIS will include analysis of ISD special education center programs.
WHAT’S COMING Check the MI3 Updates for a variety of information dissemination and learning opportunities MiBLSi applications and conference MITS webinars and Summer Institute MSEMP Survey Project Find Posters
DID YOU KNOW? About the MITS Lending Library for assistive technology and software? Go to www.cenmi.org/mits/LendingLibrary.aspx. That the content for all MiBLSi training is available? Go to www.cenmi.org/miblsi That the MAF is connected to the federally-funded Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) for Michigan? Go to www.cenmi.org
UPDATES & REMINDERS Public Hearings for the new due process complaint procedures and changes to state procedures: February 9, Lexington Hotel, Lansing (4:00-6:00 pm) Tentative: March 4, Grand Plaza Hotel, Grand Rapids Comments can be mailed, faxed or emailed to MDE Documents were distributed on stakeholder listservs and are available through the MDE
UPDATES & REMINDERS Public comment on proposed administrative rules has been complied - staff are reviewing Feb. 15 - Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) due Feb. 24 – ISD Monitor Webinar 1:30 p.m. March 18 – CIMS-2 Refresher Webinar for Locals at 10:30 a.m.
UPDATES & REMINDERS March 29 – ISD Monitor Webinar 9:30 AM April 15 – CIMS-2 Workbooks issued Program Finance State Aid – revised 2008-09 SE-4096 costs and SE-4094 transportation costs submitted to State Aid for February 2010 payments Districts with outstanding corrections have not been updated Costs will be compared to 2008-09 FID submission
UPDATES & REMINDERS Medicaid School Based Services Provider Liaison meeting February 25, 2010 Contact Jane Reagan ReaganJ@michigan.gov Medicaid Implementers meeting dates for the next few months: March 23, 2010 May 25, 2010
DISTRICT PERFORMANCE QUESTION OF THE DAY What do you know about suspensions/expulsion patterns in your district(s)? Trend over the past 3 years Precipitating events Grades/buildings with higher than average rates