8-4.3Analyze key issues that led to South Carolina’s secession from the Union, including the nullification controversy and John C. Calhoun, the extension of slavery and the compromises over westward expansion, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Dred Scott decision, and the election of 1860.
Key Vocabulary: Westward Expansion Missouri Compromise Nullification Crisis Protective Tariff John C. Calhoun Andrew Jackson South Carolina Exposition & Protest States’ rights Nullifiers Unionists Force Bill Mexican War
Key Vocabulary: Compromise of 1850 Fugitive Slave Law Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin Kansas Nebraska Act “Bleeding Kansas” Dred Scott Decision John Brown Election of 1860 Republicans Free Soil
Key Concepts The nullification crisis was the result of the impact the protective tariff had on the north and the south.
John C. Calhoun declared that it was the state’s right to declare such a law (protective tariff) unconstitutional and nullify it if the law hurt the state.
One result of the Mexican War was the extension of slavery One result of the Mexican War was the extension of slavery. The slavery debate continued as the country expanded westward.
Other disagreements over slavery due to westward expansion resulted in divisive events such as the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas – Nebraska Act, and the Dred Scott Decision.
South Carolina seceded following the Election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.
Guiding Questions for Reading Like a Historian Discussion Prompts Was John Brown a “misguided fanatic”? Contains Timeline, 3 Documents, and guided questions http://sheg.stanford.edu/john-brown Interactive on the causes of the Civil War Questions and dialogue as the interactive continues
SAS Curriculum Pathways QL#1337 Recipe For War-Power Point Was Lincoln a Racist? Documents and questions about Lincoln’s view http://sheg.stanford.edu/lincoln