Administrative Risk Event Prioritization Risk Events Research Non-compliance Can’t support student needs Failure to support key business processes Poor data – quality/timeliness/… Action by external bodies Provincial Auditor non-compliance Poor Donor reporting Faculty loss b/c of admin frustration Staff loss b/c of admin frustration Research loss “ “ “ Administrative inefficiencies 12. Cost of systems duplication 13. System misuse and fraud 14. Inability to support systems growth 15. Systems failure in event of disaster 16. Inability to attract/retain IT staff 17. Security Breach Primary BASE Focus Issues 1 Extreme 4 15 5 2 11 7 High 3 13 14 17 12 16 6 8 Medium 10 9 Impact Unit Level Focus Issues Low 1) Previous server model meant that incremental servers were added rather than trying to improve utilization of existing equipment 2) Support and Overhead cost growth were derivatives of the server growth 3) Obsolescence of OS is increasingly limiting ability to support business needs 4) Obsolescence also limits ability to provide layered services - web, reporting, etc. 5) Current assumption is that transition of Operations from IBM back to TC of itself will not impact this situation Very Low Note: IT Risks need final ranking and Priority assessment by BASE committee Very Low Low Medium High Very High Likelihood