OUTLINE PRESENTATION Key Energy Indicators Installed Power Generation Power Plants Under Construction Planned power Generation Plants Interconnectors Under Construction Planned Interconnectors Key Policy and Regulatory Issues in the Energy Sector
1. Key Energy Indicators Variable Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Indicator 3 Installed Generation 2781MW % of population Urban 35% Rural 65% % of population with electricity Access 35 % connected to grid <5 % with offgrid renewable 15% (national) Electricity Tariff Residential 0,048 $/KWh Commercial 0,11 $/KWh Industrial 0,057 and 0,098 $/KWh Electricity Losses Transmission et Distribution 1610 GWh - Electricity Trade Imports 681 GWh Exports 65 GWh
2. Installed Power Generation Name of Power Plant (including offgrid renewable energy) Technology Type Capacity (MW) Total Power Generation (GWh) Year Commissioned 150 Hydroelectric Powers Plants Hydroelectricity 2 662 9 099 Diesel Power Plants Thermics (Gazoil) 119 136
3. Power Plants Under Construction Name of Power Plant (including offgrid renewable energy) Technology Type Capacity (MW) Est.Cost (Million USD) Expected Year of Completion ZONGO Hydroelectricity 150 360 2018 Grand KATENDE 64 280 KAKOBOLA 10.5 57 LUBERO 20 _ BUSANGA 240 660 NZILO II 120 - AZAMBI 10 42 TOTAL 604
4. Planned power Generation Plants Name of Power Plant (including offgrid renewable energy) Technology Type Capacity Estimated Cost (Million USD) Status of Feasibility Study MUGOMA HYDROELCTRIQUE 40 MW - No study SEMULKI 70 MW SOMBWE 150 MW OK PROJET MICRO - HYDRO 10 MW 17
5. Interconnectors Under Construction Name of Interconnector Rated Capacity Cost Expected Year of Completion Giseny-Goma 220 kV - Ruzizi-Bujumbura Ruzizi-Kigali
6. Planned Interconnectors Name of Interconnector Rated Capacity Cost Expected Year of Completion Status of Feasibility Nkenda-Beni-Bunia-Butembo 220 kV ND No study
7. Key Policy and Regulatory Issues in the Energy Sector(1) The policy of the energy sector especially of electricity is supported by an arsenal of the documents in particular : Policy of the sector of Electricity Program government Program National and Strategy within the framework of SE4All Diary of Action Country and Leaflet of Investment
7. Key Policy and Regulatory Issues in the Energy Sector (2) About PPP…. the Government defined a certain number of principles which guide the reform of the public companies. It is about : the progressive disengagement of the State of the commercial sector to allow the private sector to play a driving role in the development of the national economy; reinforcement of the normative and regulating role of the State in the economy; the promotion of the sector deprived like instrument of creation of the richnesses and engine of the economic growth.
7. Key Policy and Regulatory Issues in the Energy Sector (4) The law (2014) relating to the sector of electricity devotes the liberalization of the sector of electricity and creates the conditions of securisation, profitability of the investments, by recourse to formula PPP. As an example : the SNEL within the framework of rehabilitation and development of the infrastructures is today in partnership with especially the mining companies.
7. Key Policy and Regulatory Issues in the Energy Sector (5) The same law also created a new institutional framework in particular by the installation of the Authority of Regulation and National Agency in charge of promoting and financing Electrification in rural and périurban area . Currently, while waiting for the effective installation, there exists for the two institutions the preparatory committee which finalized measurements of application.