KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Faculty Senate Presentation June 11, 2013 Revised June 17, 2013
Kansas State University FY 2014 Tuition and Fee Proposal Presented to the Kansas Board of Regents
Tuition plays an important role in our general use funding
Public land-grant institutions
Proposed tuition & fees increase Main Campus – 7% undergraduate and graduate K-State Salina – 7% undergraduate and graduate College of Veterinary Medicine – 3% (all graduate) $11,719,000 in new revenue
Use of new tuition rate revenue (Original) ManhattanSalina Veterinary MedicineTotal New Rate Related Revenue$11,000,000$336,000$383,000$11,719,000 Uses: KPERS and other benefit rate changes$138,009$7,300$24,000$169,309 Faculty Promotion/Tenure$865,000$0$73,600$938,600 Professorial Awards/Univ Dist Professors$470,000$0$70,500$540,500 Utilities Infrastructure$1,000,000$25,000$0$1,025,000 GTA Waiver and College Fee Increase$595,000$0$22,000$617,000 Financial Aid$1,000,000$0 $1,000,000 New Faculty Positions$495,000$141,578$0$636,578 Distance Education Enhancements$1,000,000$0 $1,000,000 Student Life Enhancements$301,991$0 $301,991 Offset SGF Reductions$5,135,000$162,122$192,900$5,490,022 Total Uses$11,000,000$336,000$383,000$11,719,000
Reallocation (Original) $750,000 from Athletics state support phase out $800,000 reallocated base (pedagogical) support $497,321 reallocated MC, ESARP and Vet Med Student Success Initiative - $450,000 Student Life Recruiting - $100,000 Child Development Center - $200,000 Pre-award Services Support - $50,000 Communications and Marketing Support - $100,000 Offset SGF Reductions - $1,147,321
Draft Faculty/Staff Salary Plan* (Original) FY 2014FY 2015FY 2016 Faculty Promotions$865,000$883,000$900,000 Professorial Performance Awards$395,000$350,000$360,000 Targeted Faculty Salary Enhancements$360,000 Merit Increase Faculty and Staff (2%)$3,800,000$3,876,000 Total Additional Funds for Faculty and Staff$1,260,000$5,393,000$5,496,000 Faculty % Increase1.1%3.5% Staff % Increase0.0%2.0% * Proposal funded through combination of tuition rate increase and enrollment growth revenue.
Use of new tuition rate revenue (*Revised 6/17/13) ManhattanSalina Veterinary MedicineTotal New Rate Related Revenue$11,000,000$336,000$383,000$11,719,000 Uses: KPERS and other benefit rate changes$138,009$7,300$24,000$169,309 Faculty Promotion/Tenure$865,000$0$73,600$938,600 Professorial Awards/Univ Dist Professors$480,000$0$63,000$543,000 Merit Salary Increase (2% Mid-Year)$1,976,000$64,000$186,500$2,226,500 Targeted Faculty Salary Enhancement$356,325$10,675$13,900$380,900 Faculty Promotion Enhancement (Backfill) *$500,000$0 $500,000 New Faculty Positions$495,000$141,578$0$636,578 GTA Waiver and College Fee Increase$595,000$0$22,000$617,000 Financial Aid$1,000,000$0 $1,000,000 Student Life Enhancements$301,991$0 $301,991 Utilities Infrastructure$1,000,000$25,000$0$1,025,000 Distance Education Enhancements *$500,000$0 $500,000 Offset SGF Reductions$2,792,675$87,447$0$2,880,122 Total Uses$11,000,000$336,000$383,000$11,719,000
Reallocation (Revised) $750,000 from Athletics state support phase out $800,000 reallocated base (pedagogical) support $3,107,221 reallocated MC, ESARP and Vet Med Student Success Initiative - $450,000 Student Life Recruiting - $100,000 Child Development Center - $200,000 Pre-award Services Support - $50,000 Communications and Marketing Support - $100,000 Offset SGF Reductions - $3,757,221
Draft Faculty/Staff Salary Plan* (Revised 6/17/13) MC, ESARP, Salina and VMCFY 2014FY 2015FY 2016 Faculty Promotions$938,600$962,100$983,000 Faculty Promotion Enhancement (Backfill)$500,000 Professorial Performance Awards$468,000$415,300$428,800 Targeted Faculty Salary Enhancements$380,900$495,600$592,700 # of Awards Merit Increase Faculty and Staff (2%) 1)$2,226,500$6,761,500$4,673,000 Total Additional Funds for Faculty and Staff$4,514,000$9,134,500$7,177,500 Faculty % Increase3.8% Staff % Increase2.0% * Proposal funded through combination of tuition rate increase, internal reallocation and enrollment growth revenue. 1) FY 2014 merit increase proposed for mid-year and second half funded in FY 2015.
College of Arts & Sciences Fee New Arts & Sciences Fee - $8/SCH – Generates $2.3 million – Replace laboratory, classroom and studio supplies – Repair/maintain/replace outdated classroom/lab equipment – Train Graduate Teaching Assistants – Undergraduate and graduate research – Undergraduate advisors
College of Architecture Fees Increase Architecture, Planning & Design Fee to $35 per student credit hour – ($16 per student credit hour increase) – Student commitment to APDesign enhancement Technology improvements for equipment and software Facilities Improvement – Legislature funded $1 million in EBF – Generates $270,000 revenue
Any Questions?