Automated Contract Process Approval Form Mazda’s automated solution to the Contract Administration Process
Purchasing Contacts Thy Vo x76150 Karissa Wu x76606 William Oglesby x76479 Carlos Alvarez x76392
Automated Contract Management Approval Process APPROVED Requester Submits to Workflow Division Head Approves or Denies Requester Prepares Contract Hardcopy DENIED
Accessing the Contract Approval Form You will receive an e-mail notification when a Contract has been submitted to the Automated Contract Management System for your approval. To approve or deny the Contract, you must click on the hyper-link in the approval notification e-mail. Please note that this is the only way to access the Contract Approval Form. On the Contract Approval Form, please be sure to view all attachments. Attachments can be viewed by clicking on the attachment button in the upper left-hand corner of the form. To approve or deny the Contract, click on the appropriate button. An e-mail notification is auto sent to the requestor, informing them of a denial status.
Approver Email Notification
Contract Approval Form
Contract Approval Form
Milestone/Deliverables The next new feature is the Milestone and Deliverables. This new tool is essential because it will automatically send out email reminders to the requestor to let them when a milestone or deliverable is due. Finance Division is requiring more metric development for contracts and supplier performance. The operation may use this tool to track key milestones and improvements. Milestone and Deliverables
Multiple parties The Fourth new feature is that Multiple Parties. This allows the Requestor to add a second Vendor name to the a contract that multiple parties. The company name and address are required fields.
Contract Approval Form
Approval Form Confirmation
Overview of new Automated Contract Process
Contract Approval Issues Approval authorization must come from the approving manager, or the authorized Re-Delegation of Authority manager. Approval by Re-Delegation of Authority manager must be attached to the contract package. Managers are responsible for reviewing and confirming the Contract Approval Form, the contract, Milestones/Deliverables and all attachments.