Welcome to Fiesta Gardens International School! Maestra Laurel
A common worry… How will my child know and understand what is going on when he/she does not speak any Spanish? Sample lesson: El pastel de cumpleaños
The first week… Students have been divided into four classes, but we may need to make some changes and plan to have permanent class lists by Monday, August 20th. We will notify you by phone if there are any changes.
Good-byes We need to know how your student will be returning from school (pass clipboard) There are three options: Picked up at FGIS Annex Bus (Church, College Park)/Starting when? Stop? When will he/she begin to take the bus after school? Please do not change your child’s routine If you plan to pick your child up after school, please wait patiently outside of the classroom and be respectful of the other classes in session.
The first six weeks Period of adjustment Every child is different Communication with the teacher Please do not try to talk to the teacher in the morning. If you need to communicate something, you can give the teacher a note or talk to the office staff Teachers will be meeting with all families for individual conferences in the coming weeks
Niño Maestro and the magic suitcase On this day your child will have special responsibilities and jobs including: Being first in line – PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME Sharing the items that he/she has brought in the magic suitcase. This activity is highly motivating and also helps to build self-esteem. We will send home a calendar that indicates when it will be your child’s turn. Your child will bring home the magic suitcase the day before his/her turn to be niño maestro. We will begin sending the magic suitcase on Tuesday, August 14th.
Homework Kindergarten homework requires adult supervision, but the children need to do the work! We will send home a homework folder weekly beginning on Friday, September 7th. Use the homework folder as a tool We believe that it is important that you read to your child daily Visit the library frequently to choose interesting books LEER program Homework will be sent home every Friday. Please help your child to return the completed homework every Thursday.
Wednesday folders A folder will be sent home every Wednesday This folder contains important papers Some papers will need your signature Please return this folder every Thursday along with the homework folder and LEER books Please return permission slips immediately Be sure to take care of your Wednesday folder, as it will stay with your child until the 5th grade
Snack Parents will bring a healthy snack for the entire class when it is their child’s turn to be the niño maestro There are 25/26 students in each class We would appreciate if you could bring a few extras for parent volunteers and teachers Because of new district food guidelines, homemade ítems and products with nuts are strictly forbidden.
Snack Children are at school 4-6 hours each day Please feed your child a healthy breakfast before sending him/her to school Snack should be healthy. We suggest sending two different ítems from different food groups. You will find snack suggestions inside of the magic suitcase. Please choose one of the suggestions or speak to your child’s teacher if you have another idea. Thank you!
So… Please send a healthy snack It is not necessary to send a drink, but you can send a half gallon milk if you choose.
Snack Some examples of snacks that are NOT healthy: Rice Krispy treats Fruit roll-ups Gogurt Cupcakes/cookies Chips Please let your child’s teacher know if your child has any food allergies. We support the use of non-food celebratory activities. Each teacher has their own way to celebrate birthdays.
Parent volunteers We will need parent volunteers for: Center activities from 8:30-10:30, including snack and washing dishes Library and computer class Field trips Special activities and events Each kindergarten class will also need a room parent. Parent volunteers need to sign in in the office before coming to the classroom.
Wish list! Why do we need one? Posted outside of each classroom Please send materials with your child To start the year we will need: Hand sanitizer Glue sticks Crayola markers Erasers White Xerox paper Paper towels Baby wipes White cardstock Playdough Dawn dishwashing detergent Kleenex Mr. Clean MagicErasers
Daily procedure In the morning: Playground supervision begins at 8:05 each day Say your good-byes on the playground Parents are not allowed in the hallway – except for those who are volunteering in the classroom After school: Make sure that the teacher knows how your child will get home. Students being picked up will walk together in a line with the teacher and should raise their hand when they see the person picking them up and wait until dismisses them individually. Students’ daily schedule will change after the October break. Each student will need to bring his/her lunch or purchase school lunch and school day will be extended.
Important! We will be sending home a packet of important papers and forms. Please: Read the papers Complete and sign all forms that need to be returned Return the entire packet to school as soon as possible Dress code Questions?
Teacher Contact Information Laurel Cress, salon 1 lcress@smfcsd.net x 4801 Maggie Contreras, salon 2 mcontreras@smfcsd.net x 4803 Sarah Velazquez, salon 3 svelazquezcastro@smfcsd.net x 4802