Michigan School Report Card Update


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Presentation transcript:

Michigan School Report Card Update Michigan Department of Education Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability Paul Bielawski November, 2007 Education YES is Michigan’s school accreditation system. It is a new system designed to meet the needs of the 21st century.

Accountability Components Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) No Child Left Behind Act State Accreditation – Education YES! Michigan Revised School Code 11/30/2018

Legal Requirements from Code Annual Report School Improvement Plan Core Curriculum Assessment of ELA/reading and math grades 1-5 High School Courses NAEP Participation if Selected 11/30/2018

Education YES! Developed in 2002 Used since 2002-03 Time to start looking at changes, revisions, and improvements Student Achievement Indicators 11/30/2018

Education YES! to date Achievement Achievement Change Status This is the big picture, showing all of the pieces of the system. It includes both indicators of school performance and measures of student achievement. The indicators come from research and best practice. They are critical for establishing a fair system for Michigan school accountability. They may be seen as investments in improved learning. Indicators 11/30/2018

Proposed for 2007-08 Achievement Status adjusted for Progress or Change This is the big picture, showing all of the pieces of the system. It includes both indicators of school performance and measures of student achievement. The indicators come from research and best practice. They are critical for establishing a fair system for Michigan school accountability. They may be seen as investments in improved learning. Indicators 11/30/2018

Achievement Status A score and grade for each subject counted at the school Uses data for all subjects counted at the school Includes assessments assigned by feeder code for grades 3-9 Based on the best of most recent year, most recent two years, or most recent three years 11/30/2018

Performance Level Change Designations Used to compare the achievement of the same students at adjacent grade levels Same student from grade 3 to grade 4 Improvement or decline within a performance level is recognized 11/30/2018

Performance Level Change Designations - MEAP 11/30/2018

Predicted Achievement A prediction will be made for each content area and grade level that were tested in previous years and that are not used for Performance Level Change Designations Science Social Studies High Schools 11/30/2018

Achievement for Accreditation 11/30/2018

Indicators to be Phased In SIF Report Rubrics or SAR for NCA schools School Improvement Plan External Data Extra Credit 11/30/2018

MDE/NCA Partnership Streamline Reporting North Central Association (AdvancEd) NCA Schools Standards and Assessment Report to MDE in place of Rubrics Report Other Schools Update rubrics report on AdvancEd site 11/30/2018

External Data All Levels Percent Highly Qualified Teachers Student Attendance Rate Parent Teacher Conference Attendance Instructional Staff turnover rate Percent of staff involved in Professional Development Percent of new teachers mentored Years of experience based on date of hire Percent of teachers working under permit 11/30/2018

External Data Elementary Middle Schools High Schools District offers school readiness program Middle Schools Percent of students taking Algebra 1 High Schools Graduation and Dropout Rates Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment Percent Participating Percent Taking and Percent Passing AP exams 11/30/2018

Education YES! Plans 2007-08 Credit for reporting self-rating, evidence or SAR for NCA schools External Data “Extra Credit” 11/30/2018

Extra Credit Additional Data Collection and Use Peer Review Surveys of parents, staff, students Peer Review Program Distinction Limit on effect of “Extra Credit” for Grade and Score 11/30/2018

Education YES Plans 2006-07 was a Statewide Pilot for Indicators 2007-08 Link self-rating and evidence to Action Plan Additional External Data “Extra Credit” Student Progress related to Achievement Status 11/30/2018

Approval Steps Firm-up Plans Report to State Board Public Hearings Approval with Revisions from Public Hearings Legislative Committees 11/30/2018

Adequate Yearly Progress Participation - 95% tested MEAP, MME, or MI-Access Achievement - Proficiency Meet state objective or “safe harbor” target for improvement Participation and Proficiency Must meet in both Math and English Language Arts Must meet for whole school and subgroups Additional Academic Indicator Graduation Rate – 80% - high schools Attendance – 85% - elementary and middle schools 11/30/2018

Student Groups for AYP Racial/Ethnic Groups Limited English Proficient Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian, Hawaiian Native, or Pacific Islander Hispanic or Latino White Multi-racial Limited English Proficient Students With Disabilities (Special Education) Economically Disadvantaged (Free & Reduced Lunch) 11/30/2018

Michigan AYP Targets 11/30/2018

Math AYP Goals Over 12 Years 11/30/2018

50 “cells” for AYP 11/30/2018

AYP Participation Aggregate percent tested across all grades tested at the school Total Number Tested (grades 3+4+5) Total Number Enrolled (grades 3+4+5) 11/30/2018

Full Academic Year Students enrolled in the school for the three most recent semi-annual official count days Students in their first year in a school because of the grade structure of the school if the student was, in the previous year, enrolled in another school in the same district for example, a student “graduating” from a K-4 elementary school to a 5-8 middle school 11/30/2018

Feeder Codes Because the Elementary and Middle School assessment window is in the fall, feeder codes are used to attribute scores to the school where the student was enrolled in 2006-07 If the district did not assign a feeder code, SRSD was used to look-up enrollment in 2006-07 for the student 11/30/2018

AYP Targets MDE has set separate statewide AYP targets for each grade A Proficiency Index is used to combine the grade level proficiency data and grade level targets to make an AYP decision across the grades 11/30/2018

Grade Level AYP Targets 11/30/2018

Proficiency Index The difference between the percent proficient and the grade level target is computed for each grade level The difference is weighted by the number tested at each grade The weighted differences are summed across grades The school meets the state objective if the Proficiency Index is 0 or more 11/30/2018

Index ELA 11/30/2018

Provisional 2006-07 11/30/2018

Safe Harbor An additional way to meet the AYP achievement target Achievement must improve from year to year Provisionally proficient students counted in both the prior year and the current year 11/30/2018

Safe Harbor 11/30/2018

NCLB Graduation Rate NCLB requires that AYP include a graduation rate based on the percentage of students that Receive a REGULAR high school diploma In the STANDARD number of years AYP (including a graduation rate) is required for ALL schools 11/30/2018

Michigan Graduation Rates Michigan is moving to a “cohort method” of reporting Graduation Rates The “cohort method” follows students across their high school careers The “cohort method” will include graduation rates for each student group that can be reliably measured – 30 or more students expected to graduate 11/30/2018

Graduation Rates for 2007-08 AYP The Graduation/Dropout Review and Comment Application from CEPI provides the graduation rates used for AYP for the class of 2007 The application will open in late winter or early spring of 2008 11/30/2018

Fifth Year Students Districts will be able to designate certain students not expected to graduate in four years Students with disabilities English language learners Medically fragile 11/30/2018

AYP and Graduation Rate The AYP target graduation rate will remain at 80% until such time as the cohort rate is implemented Improvement in the graduation rate will substitute for meeting the target using “safe harbor” 11/30/2018

All students taking MI-Access are counted as tested Cap of 1% on MI-Access proficient scores Cap is district-wide Some schools might exceed the cap 11/30/2018

Unified AYP and Grade B A A B C D F B (iv) B C (iii) C D/Alert (ii) C Education YES! Composite Score C (iii) C D/Alert (ii) C Unaccredited (i) D/Alert (ii) No AYP Makes AYP (i) – (iv) – Priorities for Assistance 11/30/2018

Contact Information Paul Bielawski Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability Michigan Department of Education PO Box 30008 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 335-5784 bielawskip@michigan.gov 11/30/2018