What does this mean? The SOS distress call literally means ‘save our souls’. When someone makes such a call, they are not asking for some invisible ghost-like substance to be saved (and their body left to die).
The views of John Hick
Learning Outcomes To be able explain the views of John Hick and the replica theory. To be able to evaluate John Hick’s replica theory.
John Hick (1922-2012) The Christian theologian is one of the leading modern theist thinkers. He rejects the traditional belief in body-soul dualism by adapting to a materialist position and arguing this does not weaken life after death.
His views? He argued that the dualist view of the body and soul owes more to Plato than to Judeo-Christian tradition. When we talk about the soul, we are really describing the mental characteristics or aspects of our personality. They describe what a person does, or in Hick’s words ‘behavioural dispositions’ (what we are likely to do). Hence to talk of the soul is a way of expressing the value of human beings.
What does Hick think? Search for the information to complete the worksheet! Stretch yourself: Read through the article on Hick’s replica theory. Highlight 5 sentences that you think summarise it.
Think, pair, share! A: Explain who Hick was. B: Explain what materialism is. A: Explain Hick’s concept of the soul. B: Explain what Traducianism is.
Evaluation zig-zag Complete the zig-zag in your notes. Zig-zag from arguments that support and criticise John Hick’s replica theory. For Against Stretch yourself: To reach a better A02 grade you must always link your arguments. E.g. However Swinburne would disagree with Plato because….. For Against
What do we think? Would a replica of a famous piece of work be worth the same amount of money?