Grab a plague sheet from front table! **We’re taking notes first though!
Pick a Color for Your Star! Red Blue Pink Yellow Green
Middle Ages in Europe All about faith Decentralized politics Feudal pyramid Kings Nobles/clergy Knights Peasants/serfs
The Plague!
Red Star YOU HAVE BEEN INFECTED. Stay tuned.
Began in Asia, hit Europe in 1347 Spread to Europe by merchants from China Rats and fleas carried the disease
Blue Star YOU HAVE BEEN INFECTED. Stay tuned.
The disease swept through Italy The plague spread throughout Western Europe.
Green Star You were not infected by the plague. You will go on to live a long healthy life. Now get back to work!
No one knew what it was, they blamed the Jews for poisoning the water. Jews, lepers (skin disease), and foreigners were persecuted
Pink Star YOU HAVE BEEN INFECTED. Stay tuned.
“This scourge had implanted so great a terror in the hearts of men and women that brothers abandoned brothers, uncles their nephews, sisters their brothers, and in many cases wives deserted their husbands. But even worse,… fathers and mothers refused to nurse and assist their own children.” Giovanni Boccaccio
Yellow Star YOU HAVE BEEN INFECTED. Stay tuned.
Red, blue , pink, yellow stars: you are now starting to get painful swellings called buboes, (thus Bubonic Plague)
The most that could be done was that various concoctions of herbs might be administered to relieve the symptoms - there was no known cure. Headaches were relieved by rose, lavender, sage and bay. Sickness or nausea was treated with wormwood, mint, and balm. Lung problems were treated with licorice. Vinegar was used as a cleansing agent as it was believed that it would kill disease. But bloodletting was commonly thought to be one of the best ways to treat the plague. The blood that exuded was black, thick and vile smelling with a greenish scum mixed in it.
BLUE STARS You are now starting to experience heavy breathing and continuous blood vomiting.
Religion People started questioning God and why they were being punished People doubted the clergy’s ability People began alienating the church
Pink Stars You are now experiencing aching limbs, coughing, and terrible pain.
Children start singing: “Ring around the Rosy” you have red circles on your skin “Pocket full of Posey” to hide the smell “Ashes to Ashes” your skin is turning black “We all fall down!” The plague has taken you.
Pink and Blue, purplish and black spots are showing on your skin (thus the Black Death) You spend your life savings, not knowing what the next day holds in store.
RED STARS Even though you think you are dying, you are actually starting to feel better! No buboes on your skin!
After 1350, European culture in general turned very morbid. The general mood was one of pessimism, and contemporary art turned dark with representations of death.
YELLOW STARS You spend your life fortune because you think you are dying. You don’t like your relatives anyways! But you are feeling better!!
("A Litany in Time of Plague" Adieu, farewell earths blisse, This world uncertaine is, Fond are lifes lustful joyes, Death proves them all but toyes, None from his darts can flye; I am sick, I must dye: Lord, have mercy on us. ("A Litany in Time of Plague" by Thomas Nashe) The Black Death dominated art and literature throughout the generation that experienced it.
Red and Gold, you have somehow survived the plague but you still carry it. Blue and Pink, the Black Death has taken you, along with 25 million people in Europe and 35 million people in China. The economy will begin to crumble Feudalism will soon come to an end.
Writing Practice-Thesis Write a thesis statement using our formula for the following prompts: Explain why the Black Death is considered by historians to be a major turning point in the history of Europe. Using specific examples, analyze effects of the Bubonic Plague c. 1300-1500.
Writing Practice-Synthesis Explain a connection between the Black Death and one of the following: Development of a different historical period Development in a different geographic area Different discipline or field of inquiry Write your synthesis paragraph!