House Points 3363 3127 3192 3159 3314 3322 3343 BRISTOL DURHAM EXETER CANTERBURY BRISTOL NEWCASTLE SHEFFIELD DURHAM EXETER YORK 3363 3127 3192 3159 3314 3322 3343
Haphazard Word of the Week Synonyms: Random, unplanned, disorganised W/b: 16th July 2018 Haphazard Adjective Without a plan or direction; chosen or done at random Synonyms: Random, unplanned, disorganised Examples: Things have been thrown into the cupboard in a haphazard way. Her method was very haphazard.
Bishop Justus Church of England School Morning Worship Jonathan and David - friendship 19th July 2018 Summary of the story from Culham Institute: The story of this friendship is in the Bible and happened over 3,000 years ago. You may have heard of David. The story of him killing the mighty giant warrior Goliath with a slingshot is very well known. David was only a shepherd boy but after he killed Goliath he was immediately famous throughout Israel. Saul, the King of Israel, had not had to fight Goliath because David had volunteered, so he took David into his household. It was a new way of life and David became friendly with Saul's son, Jonathan. They became very close - like blood brothers or soul-mates. Best friends. But Saul started to become jealous of David because he was so popular with the people. So jealous was he that he started to plot to have David killed. Jonathan was horrified at what his father was doing. How could his father want to kill his best and closest friend! He tried to warn David and protect him. It all became too much. So David and Jonathan made a pact of eternal friendship, swearing loyalty to each other - something so strong that nothing could ever destroy it. Then Jonathan, the dutiful son, went back to his father and David went on his way, later becoming King of Israel himself. When Jonathan was killed in battle, David wrote a poem about Saul and Jonathan saying how sorry he was. You can read it in the Bible (2 Samuel 1:17-27). He finishes his poem: 'I am distressed about this, Jonathan my brother. You were so good to me and we enjoyed a great friendship.' Bishop Justus Church of England School
Gather The Lord be with you And also with you
Receive Saul's son Jonathan was deeply attracted to David and came to love him as much as he loved himself. Saul kept David with him from that day on and did not let him go back home. Jonathan swore eternal friendship with David because of his deep affection for him. He took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, together with his armour and also his sword, bow, and belt. David was successful in all the missions on which Saul sent him, and so Saul made him an officer in his army. This pleased all of Saul's officers and men. 1Samuel 18: 1b-5 Discuss Healthy mind-set: What helps keep your mind healthy? Does our Bible reading help with ideas? Gather a class list of your 5 best ideas for things that make your mind healthiest…
Engage Discuss … why are friends important? Tell the story of Jonathan and David This is a reflective approach to thinking about their friendship (and the idea of being in a covenant or faithful friendship) You might need to read the subtitles as it is all read Discuss … why are friends important? What does it feel like to have good, close friendships? What does it feel like when friendships go wrong? What makes a good friend? Rate the following list: Honesty, have a big house, be a good listener, follow my lead, have an Xbox, wear nice clothes, kindness, stick with me and not go off with other people, be forgiving, be fair, give up time for me Other Ideas Show this film clip from Up to get you talking about making friends Watch this friendship soup clip—make some of your own! Great for the younger students Quiz—are you a good friend? (good for younger students) or make your own scenarios—asking what you would do in each situation… African Saying on friendship Discuss this African saying on friendship: Eat and drink together, talk and laugh together, enjoy life together; but never call it friendship until you have wept together Music Appropriately cheesy—that’s what friends are for sung by some of the greats Discuss—is that what are friend’s for?
Amen Loving God, We bring before you our friendships Respond Loving God, We bring before you our friendships We pray for good relationships with our friends and with other people in our school and our social situations. Help us when we have difficulties with our friendships By your Spirit help us to be forgiving and supportive And show your love in our actions and words towards others Amen
Go Bless us Jesus Because you call us your friends