v u Virtual placements: improving the international work experience of students Mariet Vriens, AVNet K.U.Leuven (Belgium) EDULEARN10, 5&6 July 2010 Virtual presentation
EU-VIP What is EU-VIP? Why EU-VIP? Output Framework
What is EU-VIP Enterprise-University Virtual Placements Project funded by European Commission within the framework of lifelong learning programme Duration: – Consortium of 16 partners from 8 different countries
Consortium Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE) (project coordinator) University of Bologna (IT) Aalto University (FI) University of Turku (FI) West Pomeranian Business School (PL) FernUniversität in Hagen (DE) Laurea University of Applied Sciences (FI) EAL, TietgenSkolen (DK) Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven (BE) University of Padova (IT) University of Groningen (NL) EADTU (NL) Coimbra Group (BE) EuroPACE ivzw (BE) EFMD (BE) BEST (FR)
Goal To enhance international work placements through the use of new technologies
Why EU-VIP Why international work placements? Knowledge transfer between HEI and businesses Internationalisation of curricula
Why EU-VIP Obstacles for international work placements Financial, social or geographical reasons that prevent international mobility Integrating the work placement in the curriculum Prepare students before going abroad Follow-up and coaching during and after the placement
EU-VIP Output Design models for: – virtual mobility activities to prepare students, coach and follow-up students – fully virtual placements Methodology: developing, testing and improving via 18 pilot projects Project results will be collected in an online and printed guidebook
Framework BHES Preparatory phase Setting up connections between HEIs and international businesses o Student / enterprise / university driven XXX Setting up application and selection proceduresXX Integration of the internship in the curriculumX Promotion of and information about international internshipsX Before the internship Going through application and selection proceduresX (Supporting students in) administration and practical organizationXX Registration of work placementsX Setting clear goals, expectations, tasks, deadline, communication and feedback protocolXXX Preparative training sessions, preparing student guidebooksXXX During the internship Coaching and feedbackXX Student activities: o Organizational socialization o (Further) acquiring international skills o Reflection on personal development in relation to goals o Confronting acquired knowledge and skills with practice and further developing these skills X After the internship Writing a report on the internship (reflection)X Evaluation of studentXX Evaluation of partnership business - universityXXX
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