Chaos and Regularity in the Excitation Spectrum of the Doubly Magic Nucleus 208Pb Nice 2017 Introduction Quantum chaos and the nuclear many-body system Fluctuations in the energy spectrum of 208Pb Analysis of the fluctuations with a random matrix model Analysis of the fluctuations with the method of Bayesian inference Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 012501 (2017) Supported by DFG within the Collaborative Research Centers 634 and 1245 B. Dietz (Lanzhou University, China), A. Heusler (Heidelberg, Germany), K.H. Maier (Polish Academy of Sciences Kraków, Poland), A. Richter (TU Darmstadt, Germany), B.A. Brown (MSU, USA) 2017 | SFB 1245 | Achim Richter | 1
Experiment and Model Calculations for 208Pb Experiment: High-resolution measurements (3 keV FWHM) of 208Pb(p,p´), 206,207,208Pb(d,p) and 208Pb(d,d´) reactions were used to identify a complete sequence of 151 bound states of 208Pb in energy, spin and parity below 6.20 MeV [A. Heusler et al., Phys. Rev. C 93, 054321 (2016)] KB: Realistic effective nucleon-nucleon interaction based on the Hamada-Johnston potential [T.T.S. Kuo & G.E. Brown, Nucl. Phys. 85, 40 (1966)] SDI: Surface-delta interaction acts only at the nuclear surface and provides a simple extension of the schematic shell model [S.A. Moszkowski, Phys. Rev. C 2, 402 (1970)] M3Y: Realistic effective nucleon-nucleon Michigan-3-Yukawa interaction with short-range components determined with the help of the Reid nucleon-nucleon potential [G. Bertsch et al., Nucl. Phys. A 284, 399 (1977)]
Experimental and Computed Level Schemes of 208Pb Aim: Study of the fluctuation properties of the levels in the experimental spectrum and comparison with results obtained from shell-model calculations with the three different interactions
Quantum Chaos and the Nuclear Many-Body System
Reminder: Spectral Properties of Integrable and Chaotic Systems One aspect of quantum chaos: Understanding of the features of the classical dynamics based on the fluctuation properties in the corresponding quantum spectra Bohigas-Giannoni-Schmit conjecture The fluctuation properties in the eigenvalue spectrum of a generic time-reversal invariant chaotic system coincide with those of real symmetric random matrices from the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE). Gutzwiller & Berry-Tabor conjecture The fluctuation properties in the eigenvalue spectrum of a generic integrable system behave like independent random numbers from a Poissonian process.
Universality of the Fluctuation Properties atomic nucleus quantum billiard / flat microwave resonators quantum graphs / microwave networks f f E System specific properties have to be removed to observe universality Uniform average level density needed unfolding of spectra
Unfolding of Spectra Replace eigenvalues Ei by the smooth part of the integrated spectral density Integrated spectral density N( E ) = # levels below E Decomposition into a smooth and a fluctuating part Quantum billiard / Microwave billiard Weyl formula: Nuclear levels: no analytical expression for exists Use polynomial fit or an empirical constant-temperature formula
Statistical Measures for Short-Range Correlations NNSD: distribution of the spacings between adjacent level Short-range fluctuations e i1 e i e i+1 Number variance: Long-range fluctuations Distribution of ratios of two consecutive spacings Advantage: ratios are dimensionless no unfolding required
Example: Ratio Distribution in a Graphene-Like Structure P(r) I(r) 1.0 0.5 0.0 For an illustration we show the results for a microwave (quantum) billiard containing metallic cylinders (scatterers) arranged on a triangular lattice The spectral density obviously is non-uniform The ratio distribution is the same for original / unfolded levels
Quantum Chaos and Nuclear Many-Body Systems Quantum chaos refers to the study of manifestations of classical chaos in the corresponding quantum system However: No obvious classical analogue exists in nuclear many-body systems, even though the fluctuations in the spectra exhibit similar features as a classically regular / chaotic quantum system Nuclear systems: Poissonian / GOE behaviour is related to collectivity / complexity of the motion of the nucleons [T. Guhr, Act. Phys. Pol. 116, 741 (2009)]
Indispensable Requirements for the Analysis of Fluctuation Properties Completeness of the level sequences. Missing levels imply severe changes in the fluctuation properties Unambiguous assignment of the states to the relevant symmetry classes like, e.g., spin J and parity p Either needs level sequences with similar fluctuation properties containing at least 5 levels in an ensemble of many nuclei or a complete sequence of at least ~100 levels in one nucleus
Nuclear Data Ensemble R. U. Haq et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett D3(L) L P(s) s Nuclear data ensemble: 1726 resonance energies corresponding to 30 sequences of 27 different nuclei Data obtained from neutron time-of-flight spectroscopy and from high-resolution proton scattering in a region far from ground-state Spectral properties agree well with those of random matrices from the GOE
Ensemble of Low-Lying Nuclear Scissors Modes J. Enders et al. , Phys Ensemble of Low-Lying Nuclear Scissors Modes J. Enders et al., Phys. Lett. B 486, 273 (2000) s P(s) scissors mode TUD (1984) 152 levels from 13 heavy deformed nuclei between 2.5 and 4 MeV The spectral properties coincide with those of uncorrelated random numbers (Poisson) Interpretation: collective rotational oscillations of deformed neutron and proton rigid rotors against each other
Isospin Mixing in 26Al and 30P G. E. Mitchell et al Isospin Mixing in 26Al and 30P G.E. Mitchell et al., PRL 61, 1473 (1988) 75 levels: T=0 32 levels: T=1 Observed statistics between GOE and 2 GOE in 26Al and 30P Attributed to isospin symmetry breaking / mixing caused by the Coulomb interaction [T. Guhr and H. Weidenmϋller, Ann. Phys. 199, 412 (1992)]
Spectral Properties of 100 Energy Levels in 116Sn below 4. 3 MeV S Spectral Properties of 100 Energy Levels in 116Sn below 4.3 MeV S. Raman et al., Phys. Rev. C 43, 521 (1991) Deviations attributed to missing levels and erroneous spin assignments Up to now, spectral properties close to GOE have only been observed in ensembles of nuclei
Fluctuations in the Energy Spectrum of 208Pb
Complete Identification of States in 208Pb below 6. 20 MeV A Complete Identification of States in 208Pb below 6.20 MeV A. Heusler et al., Phys. Rev. C 93, 054321 (2016) Triangle-up: 79 natural-parity states Triangle-down: 49 unnatural-parity states Below 6.20 MeV a complete sequence of 151 levels was identified For each state, spin J and parity p were determined unambiguosly
Fluctuating Part of the Integrated Spectral Density of the Complete Sequence All 151 energy levels irrespective of their spin and parity were used N fluc fluctuates around zero clear indication that the spectrum is complete
Spectral Properties of the Complete Level Sequence Spectral properties agree with those of random Poissonian numbers Reason: Superposition of states belonging to different symmetry classes In order to attain information on the underlying nucleon dynamics, the spectra need to be separated into subspectra characterized by J p
Analysis of the Fluctuation Properties Unfold each subspectrum characterized by spin J and parity p separately We ensured that the spectral properties do not depend on the unfolding procedure used (polynomial fit / the empirical constant-temperature formula) Two approaches: Compute statistical measures for each subspectrum separately and then their ensemble average compare results with a random-matrix ensemble interpolating between Poisson and GOE Consider the complete spectrum composed of the independent subspectra of unfolded energy levels analyse fluctuation properties using the method of Bayesian inference
Analysis of the Fluctuations with a Random Matrix Model
NNSDs of the Subspectra Characterized by Jp In most cases the agreement with the NNSD of the GOE is better than that with Poisson study spectral properties of the ensemble
Ensemble Averages of Statistical Measures for Fluctuation Properties The spectral properties of the ensemble agree well with those of random matrices from the GOE, thus indicating chaoticity of the nuclear system
RMT Model for Poisson to GOE Transitions V. K. B RMT Model for Poisson to GOE Transitions V.K.B. Kota, Lecture Notes in Physics 884, Chapter 3.2 Ansatz for random matrices with spectral properties intermediate between Poisson and GOE statistics Poisson GOE H0: diagonal matrix containing random Poissonian numbers H1: random matrix from the GOE Variances of matrix elements were chosen such that the eigenvalue ranges of H0 and H1 coincided Spectral properties are indistinguishable from GOE for l 1-2 Wigner-like approximation for the NNSD in terms of the I0(x) Bessel function and the U(a,b,x) Kummer function [G. Lenz & F. Haake, PRL 67, 1 (1991)]
Comparison of the Spectral Properties of 208Pb with RMT Model The chaoticity parameter l was determined from a fit of the analytic NNSD to the experimental P(s) and by comparing the number variance obtained from the RMT model with the experimental S2(L)
Spectral Properties of States with Unnatural / Natural Parity Unnatural parity Natural parity l=1.00 l=1.20 Separate spectra into levels with unnatural parity p=(-1)J+1 and natural parity p=(-1)J Spectral properties are closer to GOE for natural parity states than for unnatural parity states residual interaction stronger for the former
Calculations within One-Particle One-Hole Shell Model Spaces 82 Couplings between nucleon particles and holes in these orbitals were used in the shell model calculations with the SD / KB / M3Y interactions
Comparison of Experimental Results with Model Calculations For the M3Y and KB interactions the spectral properties are close to GOE The S2 statistics hints at a small contribution from regular behavior for the KB interaction But: For the SDI the spectral properties are close to that of Poissonian random numbers
Comparison of Experimental Results with Model Calculations: D3 The D3 statistics is close to that for the GOE for the experimental data and the KB and M3Y interactions The SDI model exhibits Poissonian features
Comparison of Experimental Results with Model Calculations: Ratio Distribution The ratio distribution hints at a small contribution from regular behavior for the KB interaction The SDI model exhibits Poissonian features
Comparison of Experimental Results with Model Calculations: S2 Unnatural parity Natural parity l=1.00 l=0.10 l=1.20 l=0.05 l=0.82 l=0.50 l=0.85 l=1.10 The S2 statistics hints at a small contribution from regular behavior for the unnatural parity states obtained with KB interaction Spectral properties are closer to GOE for natural parity states than for unnatural parity states The SDI model exhibits Poissonian features
Analysis of the Fluctuations with the Method of Bayesian Inference
Superimposed Subspectra N. Rosenzweig, C. E. Porter, Phys. Rev Merge the unfolded subspectra irrespective of their spin and parity into one sequence of spacings si Approximate expression for the NNSD of m superimposed subspectra with fractional level numbers fi, where 0 fi 1 (m 14), which depends on one parameter f0 corresponds to a large number of subspectra containing few levels approaches Poisson f1 corresponds to one symmetry class with many levels approaches GOE Thus, f is referred to as chaoticity parameter
Method of Bayesian Inference A. Y. Abul-Magd, H. L. Harney, M. H Method of Bayesian Inference A.Y. Abul-Magd, H.L. Harney, M.H. Simbel, H.A. Weidenmüller, Ann. Phys. 321, 56 (2006) Assumption: The N spacings si are independent (N 130) Joint probability distribution (proposed distribution) Bayes´ theorem yields for the posterior distribution The prior distribution m( f ) of f is obtained with Jeffrey‘s rule The chaoticity parameter and the variance s are computed as
Comparison of NNSDs with Results Obtained with the Method of Bayesian Inference Experiment SDI M3Y KB all natural unnatural The chaoticity parameters determined with the method of Bayesian inference are in agreement with those obtained from the RMT model
Spectral Properties of the Unperturbed Eigenvalues of the M3Y Hamiltonian If the off-diagonal elements in the M3Y case with Jp are disregarded the spectral properties of the unperturbed eigenvalues are characterised by chaoticity parameters that are close to that for SDI. This corroborates the supposition that the SDI is too weak to describe the experimental findings.
Summary We analyzed the complete spectrum of 208Pb below 6.20 MeV with unambiguously assigned spin an parity We performed the same analysis for spectra computed on the basis of shell-model calculations including the SD, KB and M3Y interaction Comparison with an RMT model interpolating between Poisson and GOE and the application of the method of Bayesian inference yielded chaoticity parameters close to GOE for the experimental KB and M3Y spectra Natural parity states are closer to GOE than unnatural parity states residual interaction stronger for natural than for unnatural parity states The SDI model suggests a behavior close to Poisson the SDI seems to be too weak to induce sufficient mixture of the individual configurations to lead to a chaotic behavior, i.e., it fails to describe the fluctuation properties of the experimental spectra
The Music of Nuclear Energy Level Spacings in 208Pb (Alex Brown) (a) Equal level spacing (b) Poisson (c) GOE [] For (c) take the M3Y interaction which describes the spectral fluctuation properties of 208Pb best with a chaoticity parameter close to experiment. A computer program turns these distributions into musical notes. Starting from the bottom, the time interval between notes is determined by energy to the next level. This energy interval is also used to change the relative pitch, alternating up and down relative to the last note. (a) (b) (c) (trio) 30. November 2018 |