Depth of Conservation (May/20/2010) Giltae Song, Bob Harris Penn State Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics,
Our Question: Do different elements exhibit different conservation profiles?
Alignable Proportion Alignable Proportion = fraction of intervals that are at least half aligned
Alignable Proportion Measured for each human-vs-other alignment, Plotted at human-to-other distance
Alignable Proportion Unnormalized
Alignable Proportion Unnormalized Low Coverage Genomes
Alignable Proportion—Normalized Normalize by dividing by alignable proportion of coding exons
Alignable Proportion—Normalized Curve fit through “distant” high coverage assemblies (species names in black)
Alignable Proportion Envelopes
Alignable Proportion—Class 22
Alignable Proportion—Class 3
Alignable Proportion—Class 8
Alignable Proportion—Class 6
Similar measure for species/depth conservation of TFBS motifs Ongoing Similar measure for species/depth conservation of TFBS motifs More plots via