Unit 6 – Revolutions in Russia, India, China


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 6 – Revolutions in Russia, India, China Blufferama! Unit 6 – Revolutions in Russia, India, China

What Russian czar abdicated from the throne in 1917? Group 1: Question 1 What Russian czar abdicated from the throne in 1917?

Group 1: Question 1 ANSWER Nicholas II

Who became the first leader of the Soviet Union (USSR)? Group 2: Question 1 Who became the first leader of the Soviet Union (USSR)?

Group 2: Question 1 ANSWER Lenin

What two groups fought in the Chinese Civil War? Group 1: Question 2 What two groups fought in the Chinese Civil War?

Group 1: Question 2 ANSWER Nationalists and Communists

What two groups fought in the Russian Civil War? Group 2: Question 2 What two groups fought in the Russian Civil War?

Group 2: Question 2 ANSWER White army & Red army

Why was China upset after WWI? Group 1: Question 3 Why was China upset after WWI?

Group 1: Question 3 ANSWER In the Treaty of Versailles, Chinese territory that the Germans had taken was given to Japan

Why was India upset after WWI? Group 2: Question 3 Why was India upset after WWI?

Group 2: Question 3 ANSWER The British lied about giving them self-gov’t even though the Indians fought for them during the war.

Who was the nationalist leader in China? Group 1: Question 4 Who was the nationalist leader in China?

Group 1: Question 4 ANSWER Jiang Jieshi

Who was the communist leader in China? Group 2: Question 4 Who was the communist leader in China?

Group 2: Question 4 ANSWER Mao Zedong

Group 1: Question 5 What British acts allowed for any Indian protestors to be jailed without a trial?

Group 1: Question 5 ANSWER Rowlatt Acts

What act was passed after the Salt March? Group 2: Question 5 What act was passed after the Salt March?

Group 2: Question 5 ANSWER Government of India Act

Group 1: Question 6 What Russian massacre of peaceful protestors resulted in strikes and violence?

Group 1: Question 6 ANSWER Bloody Sunday Massacre

Group 2: Question 6 What Indian massacre of Hindus and Muslims resulted in Indians demanding independence?

Group 2: Question 6 ANSWER Amritsar Massacre

Group 1: Question 7 Who was the Soviet totalitarian leader that attempted to control every aspect of life?

Group 1: Question 7 ANSWER Stalin

Who was the leader of the Indian independence movement? Group 2: Question 7 Who was the leader of the Indian independence movement?

Group 2: Question 7 ANSWER Gandhi

Group 1: Question 8 What country had a victory over Russia that was particularly embarrassing?

Group 1: Question 8 ANSWER Japan

What country invaded China during a civil war? Group 2: Question 8 What country invaded China during a civil war?

Group 2: Question 8 ANSWER Japan

What is the term for when someone peacefully breaks an unjust law? Group 1: Question 9 What is the term for when someone peacefully breaks an unjust law?

Group 1: Question 9 ANSWER Civil Disobedience

Group 2: Question 9 What is the term for a type of government where the leader of a country has complete rule?

Group 2: Question 8 ANSWER Totalitarianism

What were the three long term causes of the Russian Revolution? Group 1: Question 10 What were the three long term causes of the Russian Revolution?

Group 1: Question 10 ANSWER Censorship, autocracy of the czar, economic problems

What revolution resulted in Lenin coming to power? Group 2: Question 10 What revolution resulted in Lenin coming to power?

Group 2: Question 10 ANSWER Bolshevik Revolution