Figure 13.1 Patterns of fascicle arrangement in muscles. Circular Convergent (Orbicularis oris) (Pectoralis major) Multipennate (Deltoid) (a) (e) (b) (f) Parallel (c) Fusiform (Sartorius) (Biceps brachii) (g) (d) Unipennate Bipennate (Extensor digitorum longus) (Rectus femoris)
Figure 13.2 Anterior view of superficial muscles of the body. Facial Epicranius, frontal belly Head Orbicularis oculi Temporalis Zygomaticus Masseter Orbicularis oris Neck Platysma Shoulder Sternohyoid Trapezius Sternocleidomastoid Thorax Deltoid Pectoralis minor Pectoralis major Arm Serratus anterior Triceps brachii Intercostals Biceps brachii Brachialis Abdomen Forearm Rectus abdominis Pronator teres External oblique Brachioradialis Internal oblique Flexor carpi radialis Palmaris longus Transversus abdominis Pelvis/thigh Thigh Iliopsoas Tensor fasciae Pectineus latae Sartorius Adductor longus Thigh Gracilis Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis Leg Fibularis longus Extensor digitorum longus Leg Gastrocnemius Tibialis anterior Soleus 2
Figure 13.3 Posterior view of superficial muscles of the body. Neck Epicranius, occipital belly Sternocleidomastoid Trapezius Shoulder Arm Deltoid Triceps brachii Infraspinatus Brachialis Teres major Forearm Rhomboid major Brachioradialis Latissimus dorsi Extensor carpi radialis longus Flexor carpi ulnaris Hip Extensor carpi ulnaris Gluteus medius Extensor digitorum Gluteus maximus Thigh Iliotibial tract Adductor magnus Hamstrings: Biceps femoris Semitendinosus Semimembranosus Leg Gastrocnemius Soleus Fibularis longus Calcaneal tendon 3
Table 13.1 Major Muscles of Human Head (see Figure 13.4) (1 of 3)
Table 13.1 Major Muscles of Human Head (see Figure 13.4) (2 of 3) 5
Table 13.1 Major Muscles of Human Head (3 of 3) 6
Table 13. 2 Anterolateral Muscles of Human Neck (see Figure 13 Table 13.2 Anterolateral Muscles of Human Neck (see Figure 13.5) (1 of 2) 7
Table 13.2 Anterolateral Muscles of Human Neck (2 of 2) 8
Table 13.3 Anterior Muscles of Human Thorax, Shoulder, and Abdominal Wall (see Figures 13.6, 13.7, and 13.8) (1 of 3) 9
Table 13.3 Anterior Muscles of Human Thorax, Shoulder, and Abdominal Wall (2 of 3) 10
Table 13.3 Anterior Muscles of Human Thorax, Shoulder, and Abdominal Wall (3 of 3) 11
Table 13.4 Posterior Muscles of Human Trunk (see Figure 13.9) (1 of 4) 12
Table 13.4 Posterior Muscles of Human Trunk (2 of 4)
Table 13.4 Posterior Muscles of Human Trunk (3 of 4) 14
Table 13.4 Posterior Muscles of Human Trunk (4 of 4) 15
Table 13.5 Muscles of Human Humerus That Act on the Forearm (see Figure 13.10) 16
Table 13.6 Muscles of Human Forearm That Act on Hand and Fingers (see Figure 13.11) (1 of 3) 17
Table 13.6 Muscles of Human Forearm That Act on Hand and Fingers (2 of 3) 18
Table 13.6 Muscles of Human Forearm That Act on Hand and Fingers (3 of 3) 19
Table 13.7 Muscles Acting on Human Thigh and Leg, Anterior and Medial Aspects (see Figure 13.12) (1 of 3) 20
Table 13.7 Muscles Acting on Human Thigh and Leg, Anterior and Medial Aspects (see Figure 13.12) (2 of 3) 21
Table 13.7 Muscles Acting on Human Thigh and Leg, Anterior and Medial Aspects (3 of 3) 22
Table 13.8 Muscles Acting on Human Thigh and Leg, Posterior Aspect (see Figure 13.13) (1 of 2) 23
Table 13.8 Muscles Acting on Human Thigh and Leg, Posterior Aspect (2 of 2) 24
Table 13. 9 Muscles Acting on Human Foot and Ankle (see Figures 13 Table 13.9 Muscles Acting on Human Foot and Ankle (see Figures 13.14 and 13.15) (1 of 3) 25
Table 13.9 Muscles Acting on Human Foot and Ankle (2 of 3) 26
Table 13.9 Muscles Acting on Human Foot and Ankle (3 of 3) 27
Epicranial aponeurosis Review Figure 13.1 Epicranial aponeurosis 28
Review Figure 13.2 Coracoid process Clavicle Sternum Bursa 29
Medial epicondyle of humerus Review Figure 13.3 Medial epicondyle of humerus Flexor retinaculum Palmar aponeurosis 30
Superior and inferior extensor retinacula Review Figure 13.4 Patella Head of fibula Superior and inferior extensor retinacula Fibular retinaculum Lateral malleoluls Metatarsal V 31
Review Figure 13.5 u v a w b x c y d z e aa f bb g cc h dd i ee j ff k gg l m hh n ii jj o kk p q r s ll t mm 32
j k l m n a o b c p d e q q f r g s t h u v w x i Review Figure 13.6 33