Competitive Advantage of Registered Memory Capacity at competitive price Registered DIMMs allow stacking of RAM parts. Thus higher DIMM capacities are possible with Registered DIMMs, allowing higher total system memory capacity. Stacked DIMMs are constructed with lower density RAM chips for a given DIMM size, meaning stacked DIMMs cost significantly less than Unbuffered DIMMs at higher capacities. DIMM Capacities on High End 128 MB 256 MB 512 MB 1 GB 2 GB Unbuffered ~$45 ~$125 ~$250 ~$1,350 (Dell doesn’t offer) Not Available! Registered (HP) $40 $125 $250 $970 (stacked) $2,800 (stacked) 11/30/2018 HP Confidential
Memory – Registered vs. Unbuffered 11/30/2018 Memory – Registered vs. Unbuffered What: Registered DIMMS have a data register to store the data after access from the RAM array. This is required for some ram chips and DIMM configurations for Electrical Timing reasons. Unbuffered DIMMs have no register or buffer – the RAM chips are connected directly to the data bus Chips RAM Chips RAM Register Data Data 72 bits (ECC) 72 bits (ECC) Register Registered DIMMs Unbuffered DIMMs 11/30/2018 HP Confidential HP template
Memory – Pictures of DIMMs 11/30/2018 Memory – Pictures of DIMMs 512MB Unbuffered DIMM Non-ECC 512MB Registered DIMM ECC Data Registers 11/30/2018 HP Confidential HP template
Memory – Registered vs. Unbuffered 11/30/2018 Memory – Registered vs. Unbuffered Cost Registered DIMMs are typically constructed with lower density RAM chips for a given DIMM size. Because of RAM cost drops over time, this means Registered DIMMs cost significantly less than Unbuffered DIMMs for the same capacity. Capacity Registered DIMMs allow stacking of RAM parts. Thus higher DIMM capacities are possible at any given time with Registered DIMMs. This allows higher total system memory capacity. Performance This is a mixed bag. Unbuffered DIMMs have lower latency as there is no delay through the Register. However, Registered DIMMs typically allow more “open pages” due to the larger number of RAM chips, and that can result in higher performance. Summary – Regstered DIMMs are typically the right answer for the customer Registered Unbuffered Price per 1GB DIMM $970 $1350 Performance ~1x ~1x 11/30/2018 HP Confidential HP template