Five-Seven “meaty” paragraphs Data Results: Five-Seven “meaty” paragraphs
Presentation of findings Can you answer these questions in this section?: Are your results presented in a clear and logical manner? Are the results related to your purpose statement/research questions? Do you present connections/patterns between results? Do you discuss how each method provided you with your results? Do you explain how you coded your data? Do you show how your methods were interpreted and explained in relation to research question? Do you include references to charts, interviews, observations, etc.?
Data Results (centered and underlined): Sections Purpose of the Study (centered only) Research Questions (centered only) (these two sections may be copy and pasted from your introduction; be sure your purpose statement is in PAST tense) Coding of Data (centered only): describe how and why you coded your data (one-two paragraphs) Overview of Overall Results (centered only): summarize major findings/results (one paragraph) Discussion of Methods (centered only): discuss results per method (two-three paragraphs; one method per paragraph)