Sunken Millions Animal Growth and Heredity Grade 5 Copyright © 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved
> < Level One Level One
$200 When primitive organisms require only one parent to produce offspring it is called: A. mitosis B. Sexual Reproduction C. Asexual Reproduction D. Meiosis $200
$400 When more complex organisms produce offspring with two parents involved it is called: A. Asexual Reproduction B. Sexual Reproduction C. Mitosis D. Meiosis $400
When parent cells form zygotes it is called: A. mitosis B. chromosomes C. meiosis D. Sexual reproduction $600
In meiosis, how many times does the cell divide? B. 3 C. 1 D. It doesn’t $800
$1000 After the 1st division during Meiosis, the offspring has how many chromosomes? After the 2nd division, the offspring ends up with how many? Half as many as the parent and then twice as many. B. Twice as many and Then half as many C. Half as many as the parent and then the same number D. The same number as the parent and then half as many $1000
> < Level Two Level Two
Organisms such as butterflies go through four stages of change called A. Life cycle B. mitosis C. metamorphosis D. meiosis $2000
$4000 Young animals that have the same shape as their parents go through __________ to become adults. A. metamorphosis B. Life cycle C. mitosis D. Direct development $4000
$6000 Each species has its own _________, a process in which an animal is born unable to reproduce and grows to become a reproducing adult. A. metamorphosis B. Life cycle C. Direct development D. chromosomes $6000
$8000 All animals go through _______, a process in which cells make exact copies of themselves. A. chromosomes B. Life cycle C. meiosis D. mitosis $8000
Cells going through mitosis produce: Half as many chromosomes B. Identical copies of themselves C. Offspring by budding D. Six new male and female cells $10000
> < Level Three Level Three
What does rapid mitosis allow a lizard to do if its tail is lost? A. Regenerate a new tail B. Divide a new tail C. Spindle a new tail D. Fuse a new tail $20000
$40000 Through the process of metamorphosis, an insect Changes the form of its body as it grows B. Molts the outer covering of its skeleton C. Become a hopping, wingless insect D. Hatches from an egg in late summer $40000
What are the three stages of incomplete metamorphosis? A. egg, nymph, adult B. larva, pupa, cocoon C. egg, pupa, chrysalis D. nymph, larva, adult $60000
Which of the following is required in sexual reproduction? A. siblings B. budding C. Two parents D. One parent $80000
How does the nucleus of a cell prepare for mitosis? A. It divides cells into exact copies B. It makes exact copies of chromosomes C. It pinches the cell membrane at the middle D. Its chromosomes pull apart the DNA coding $100000
> < Level Four Level Four
In sexual reproduction, two cells combine to form a one-celled A. gamete B. egg C. zygote D. pupa $200000
Genes found on chromosomes contain A. Hypothesized factors the DNA codes for A. Hypothesized factors B. Inherited traits C. Mendel’s factors D. Second generation offspring $400000
In direct development, offspring B. Go through incomplete Have the same shape as adults B. Go through incomplete metamorphosis C. Go through complete metamorphosis D. Become nymphs $600000
One human trait that is NOT inherited is A. Tongue curling B. Attached earlobes C. Hair color D. balance $800000
An example of incomplete metamorphosis is the life cycle of the A. frog B. grasshopper C. butterfly D. rabbit $1000000
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