American Nuclear Society Young Members Group (YMG) Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Benjamin Holtzman/Brett Rampal November 14, 2015 Washington, DC
YMG Mission To encourage and enable all young professional members to be actively involved in the efforts and endeavors of the Society at all levels To simplify the transition from the role of a student to the role of a professional To sponsor workshops and meetings that provide professional development and networking opportunities for young professionals To collaborate with other Divisions and Groups in developing technical and non-technical content of particular interest to young professionals To nominate young professionals for awards and leadership opportunities available to members.
YMG Governance Chair – Benjamin Holtzman Vice Chair – Brett Rampal Secretary – Nicholas Thompson Treasurer – Nicolas Stauff Past Chair – Elia Mezari Board Liaison – Diane Cianflone
YMG Governance Metrics Bylaws & Rules Status - approved Mostly green across the board Meeting/Topical participation remains yellow and has influenced our strategic planning. Bylaws & Rules Status - approved Strategic Planning Status 5-year plan currently in review. Approval expected at Annual meeting 2016. ANS Strategic Plan goals/objectives which YMG supports: Professional Development Engaging the Public Communication: Website: Newsletters: sent twice a year via email and available on the website ANS Nuclear Café: Blog articles from young members supplied on a continuing basis.
YMG Membership Trend
YMG Membership Govt. Agency 5% Arch./Cons. 4% Active Military 3% Service Co. Manufacturing Supplier 2% Prvt. Research Lab Construction Co. Medical Institutions 0.31% Test Lab 0.26% Retired 0.04%
YMG Membership Comparing to 2013: Most of the growth of membership has been from students (278 more members since 2013) and Staff of Educational Institutions (262 more members) Slight decline in membership from Utilities (31 less members), Manufacturers (28 less members) and Architecture and Construction (18 less members) Graduate Students are now automatically members of YMG.
YMG Finances - Funds Budget Funds for 2015 Budgeted Year Member Allocation $3,686 Carry Forward, Prior Year $12,963 Student Section Revitalization Fund $10,000 Other Budget Funds Total Budget Funds $16,649 Spending Budget $3,404 Total Budget funds at end of year $13,245
YMG Finances - Spending Projected Budget Expenses for 2015 Newsletters $0 Awards, Plaques $700 National Meeting Costs Division Officer Expense $200 Student Support $500 Scholarship/NEED Funding $1000 Other Expenses $1004 Total Expenses $3404
YMG Contributions to Society YMG Division Liaison invigoration Affiliations with other technical organizations U.S. Naval Academy Technical Committee Supporting the first ANS topical at the U.S. Naval Academy in April 2016. North American Young Generation in Nuclear Co-sponsors of Young Professionals Congress International Youth Nuclear Congress Supports IYNC Meetings Increased sponsorship and co- sponsorship of sessions at national meetings.
YMG Vision The ANS Young Members Group will become regarded as the training ground of the future Society leadership and the Nuclear Science & Technology Industry’s pipeline of Technical and Business Leaders.
Summary Successes: Focus for Future Action: Young Professionals Congress (YPC) - 2011, 2013, 2015 Focus for Future Action: Professional development Improve student retention Image/marketing Increased session and meeting presence Increased participation in webinars Increased participation in mentoring programs