Introduction to 3d Modeling in 3D Max Simple Polygon Modeling using the create and editing tools
3D Max screen shot Top view Right side view Front view Perspective View
Building simple polygon shapes using mesh edit(1 way) Step 1- Generate a polygon shape and place it in the space; use the parameter controls to change the overall dimensions of the shape. The segments should be set to 1 for the length, width and height.
Building simple polygon shapes using mesh edit(1 way) You can also use the quick slice tool but you have to be able to control the slice since it is not constrained to any axis. Step 2- Deselect the object ,then select faces using quad menu (right click). You can select the faces in the perspective view port; It is best to edit in top, front and side views only.
Building simple polygon shapes using mesh edit(1 way) Step 3- Select vertex and turn on the slice plane tool to divide the geometry. The slice plane needs to be parallel to the direction of the slice (x or y). Make sure the slice plane is highlighted. You may have to rotate the plane by using the rotate option by right clicking the object. Slice the plane. Cut as many polygons that are needed. See next slide.
Building simple polygon shapes using mesh edit(1 way) Step 4- Move the sliced plane in top, front or side views only. Again make sure the slice tool is active. Slice the planes enough to build the needed geometry. Turn off the slice tool then right click and pick top level in the quad menu.
Building simple polygon shapes using mesh edit(1 way) Step 5- Pick polygon and select the desired number of faces that need to be extruded or modified. To select multiple face hold ctrl when selecting the faces. Pick the extrude button and extend the faces using the extrude tool.
Building simple polygon shapes using mesh edit(1 way) Step 6- Continue to extrude additional faces to shape the model to form a final 3D polygon object.
Building simple polygon shapes Step 8- Deselect the object (right click), then make a new layer to save the object for later use. The object can now be hidden or frozen for editing purposes. Notice that the geometry is triangulated- You will soon learn this is not the best way for building complex 3d objects.
Using the layer folder Hiding the shape and freezing the shape - this will allow you to work on individual 3d objects when your scene becomes more complex.
Building Polygons using poly edit (the 2nd way) This is another way to build a polygon model - the following steps will give you the same results but provide a better workflow(and a better 3D model). Follow the same steps as before but this time add line segments. It is easy to move the lines in edit poly mode. Note-You can add segments if you choose but it is not necessary once you learn how to edit geometry. The key is to keep the polys to a minimum.
Building Polygons using poly edit (the 2nd way) After you have divided the box into enough faces convert to editable poly. Next select the edge tool.
Building Polygons using poly edit (the 2nd way) Next select the loop tools. This connects all the edges in a loop around the box. Move the loop in the top view for accuracy. Repeat the steps.
Building Polygons using poly edit (the 2nd way) Deselect the edge to then select the polygon tool and pick a top face. Continue to select the other faces to be extruded. Select the extrude tool and pull up the faces. Pick more faces in the profile views(T,F,S) and extrude to finish the shape. Notice how clean the goeometry looks in the viewport. This is key to good 3D modeling.
Practice activities Samples of 2d drafting objects converted to 3d models