MAV and UAV Research at Rochester Institute of Technology Michael Reeder 5th year BS/MEng Student 2007-2008 MAV Project Leader Jason Grow BS/MS Graduate of RIT 2003-2004 MAV Team Lead Boeing Phantom Works, HB 714-372-9026 …where the sky is only the beginning…
Outline Description of Mechanical Engineering Program Introduction of 2006-2007 MAV & accomplishments RIT Mechanical Engineering – Projects, Facilities and Research Competition description for 2007-2008 Academic Year 2007-2008 MAV Research and Objectives RIT MAV Integration Road Map Sponsorship Needs
Description of Mechanical Engineering Program Mechanical Engineering Students 100+ students per year Variety of concentrations offered Aerospace Automotive Bio-engineering Energy and environment Mandatory co-op assignments (significant presence with Boeing other large corporations) Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design Projects Involves integrating senior design projects from all engineering majors Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Industrial and Software Engineering Students work in design teams in an environment simulating an industrial setting Final design must be supported by sound engineering analyses and a working prototype must be demonstrated Introduces program management, design process, etc. Graduate Programs BS/MEng and BS/MS Program Controls, Thermo/Fluids and Structures Concentrations Research funded by department and major corporations Boeing, Delphi, Kodak, Xerox, Borg-Warner, Valeo, General Mills, Sentry Safe and more…
RIT Mechanical Engineering Under- graduate Research & Design Graduate Research Multi-Disciplinary Projects ME Labs and Facilities Aerospace Program Labs and Capabilities MAV
Introduction of 2006-2007 MAV Phase 5 Results Objectives: Fly 600 m Capture an image Obtain a reliability of 80% Project went through 5 phases Phase 1: Previous year’s MAV Firefly motor 300 mA-h battery 6” prop Phase 2: New Propulsion System 3 x 2” prop Feigao Motor produced more thrust Phase 3: Angle of Attack (α) Phase 4: Limiting Control Surfaces Control surfaces determined to be a source of failure Enabled turning but with limited success Phase 5: Rudder Design (stiff wing) Throttle use mimics elevator Controlled turning in yaw reduced pilot error 6.5” platform (longest linear dimension) Phase 5 Results
2006-2007 MAV Accomplishments Improved flight capabilities Optimized power system and thrust Maintained camera capabilities Captured images at > 300 m Established reliability > 85% Significant improvements and successes over previous years’ MAVs
Previous MAV Research 2003-2004 2004-2005 Vehicle Performance Flight duration = 9 minutes Flight range = 450 meters Swappable Payload ~ 20g Overall mass ~ 90 g Vehicle Dimensions 12” Span 6” Root Chord 4” Tip Chord AR = 2.32 Capability Black and White Video Vehicle Performance Flight duration = 11 minutes Flight range = 600+ meters Swappable Payload ~ 40g Overall mass ~ 183 g Vehicle Dimensions 18.5” Span 7.3” Root Chord 3.5” Tip Chord Capability Color Video
M.E. Projects and Research MAV SAE Formula One NASA Moonbuggy Team AIAA/SAE Aero Design Team Facilities Aero Lab Composites Lab Windtunnel MicroE Clean Room EE Labs
New Aero Lab Home of the SAE Aero Team & now MAV Participates in the SAE Heavy Lift Competition 12 years of experience Allows students to get hands on experience Composites, team dynamics, design and build process, etc. Advertisement space for Boeing!!! Boeing logo could be posted on Aero Lab window in main hallway of new engineering wing
R.I.T. Composites Lab Experience Capabilities Classes RIT > 5 years Programs MAV, UAV and Aero Moon-buggy Research SAE Formula Multiple Senior Design Projects Capabilities Material Testing Tensile, Torsional and Vibration Classes Intro to Composite Materials Advanced Composite Materials
Closed Loop Subsonic Wind Tunnel R.I.T. Windtunnel Closed Loop Subsonic Wind Tunnel Ideal wind tunnel for MAV/UAV testing 21” x 29” x 48” test section Sustain speeds from 13 to 120 mph Load cell sting balance capable of both static and dynamic measurements of lift, drag, and pitching moment; variable angle of attack Resolution to ± 0.1 grams Thrust Stand for dynamic propeller testing Fully Automated Lab-View Interface Variety of projects have utilized Formula, graduate work, etc.
2007-2008 Competition Description International Competition (recently held in France in September) The MAV for 2007-2008: 500 mm longest linear dimension 500 g maximum mass GPS system Sensory system Video relay system Perching capability Ability for controlled flight for long distances The competition (see picture): Fly for a distance of 1 km Identify 2 targets at given GPS waypoints Locate a target in the search zone Drop sensor in drop zone Fly through arches Perch on VTOL platform
2007-2008 MAV Research & Objectives Experiment with 2006-2007 MAV configuration to create preliminary design ideas for 2007-2008 MAV Design, using CAD and fluids analyses, an MAV prototype capable of meeting competition requirements Build and test prototypes capable of meeting maximum linear dimensions and mass requirements (Senior Design I block) Integrate components to be used on MAV into design and create multiple fully functional Micro Aerial Vehicles (Senior Design II block) Compete in international outdoor portion of MAV competition (held in France)
2007-2008 MAV Platform Ideas Integrate previous year’s MAV with hovering capabilities (possible Osprey configuration?) Energy Source: Batteries Electronics: Video relay system GPS Sensory system Propulsion: Incorporate MAV propulsion system from AY 2006-2007 (use of more than one motor will be needed) Advanced Structures: Composite Fuselage & Wings (Carbon Fiber) Advanced Materials Manufacturing Techniques
R.I.T. MAV Road Map 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 10 year Hovering (Hybrid) Capability MAV Platform Obstacle Avoidance System Inertial Navigation System Peer to Peer Communications Advanced Electronics Advanced Composite & Manufacturing Smart Airframe: Morphable Surfaces, etc. Alternative Power: Micro-Fuel Cell, Photovoltaic Cells Customer: RIT Imaging Science ??? Orinthopter
What RIT needs to step forward? Budget Assistance Materials Composite Tools and Material Electronics: Video, GPS, Controls, etc. Misc.: Balsa, Composite Tape, Foam, Mold Materials, etc. Lab Assistance Improved lab capability Instrumentation Design Input Boeing’s MAV outlooks Assist Boeing with R&D