Youth Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Department December 2017
Youth Marijuana and Driving First driver’s license at age 16 No driving between 1am-5am (first year) No passengers under age 20, except family (first six months) No more than 3 people under age 20 (second six months) Marijuana purchase or possession illegal for anyone under age 21 License revoked for minor in possession Range of penalties for under the influence Information Sources: Youth driving laws Youth driving with other youth Youth marijuana laws DUI laws MIP laws Referred to as DUID (Driving Under the Influence of Drugs) Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Washington Driver Guide The risks of smoking marijuana are different from those associated with the consumption of marijuana-infused foods. Inhaling any kind of smoke harms your lungs. Consuming marijuana-infused foods can also be dangerous because it takes longer to feel the effects. It’s easier to have too much because the effects are delayed. Road traffic arrest and fatality data indicates that after alcohol, marijuana is the most frequently detected psychoactive substance among driving populations. Marijuana has been shown to impair performance on driving tasks and on driving courses for up to 5 hours. Decreased car handling performance, slower reaction times, impaired time and distance estimation, inability to maintain headway, subjective sleepiness, motor coordination, and impaired ability to focus have all been reported. Marijuana may particularly impair monotonous and prolonged driving. Decision times to evaluate situations and determine appropriate responses increase. Mixing alcohol and marijuana may produce greater impairments than either drug on its own. Washington State Department of Licensing. Studies show vigilance, time and distance perception, lane tracking, motor coordination, divided attention tasks and reaction time for marijuana. Marijuana alone increases crash risk, alcohol plus other drugs is an extreme increase in crash risk. Washington and Colorado focus groups with adults show marijuana users do not view use as increasing crash risk and even lean toward thinking it may help them drive. Source: Drug Impaired Driving: A Guide for States, Governors Highway Safety Association, April 2017 Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Fatal Traffic Crash Data Source of following fatal crash data is the Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Seven Counties THC = The main chemical compound in marijuana that produces effects. Presence confirmed through toxicology testing. If drivers age was unknown, data was excluded from counts. Data Source: Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
% of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Cowlitz County Drivers in Fatal Traffic Crashes under the influence of Marijuana (THC) 2010-2016 Fatal Crashes # of Drivers with THC # of Drivers % of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Teens age 16-19 2 6 33% Young Adults age 20-29 3 16 19% Adults age 30-64 49 4% Adults age 65 and up 0% All Ages Combined 7 77 9% Total number of drivers in fatal crashes with THC by year for Cowlitz County was: 2010 = 1 2011 = 1 2012 = 0 2013 = 1 2014 = 2 2015 = 1 2016 = 1 THC = The main chemical compound in marijuana that produces effects. Presence confirmed through toxicology testing. If drivers age was unknown, data was excluded from counts. Data Source: Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
% of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Grays Harbor County Drivers in Fatal Traffic Crashes under the influence of Marijuana (THC) 2010-2016 Fatal Crashes # of Drivers with THC # of Drivers % of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Teens age 16-19 3 0% Young Adults age 20-29 2 8 25% Adults age 30-64 37 8% Adults age 65 and up 11 All Ages Combined 5 59 Total number of drivers in fatal crashes with THC by year for Grays Harbor County was: 2010 = 2 2011 = 0 2012 = 2 2013 = 0 2014 = 0 2015 = 1 2016 = 0 THC = The main chemical compound in marijuana that produces effects. Presence confirmed through toxicology testing. If drivers age was unknown, data was excluded from counts. Data Source: Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
% of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Lewis County Drivers in Fatal Traffic Crashes under the influence of Marijuana (THC) 2010-2016 Fatal Crashes # of Drivers with THC # of Drivers % of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Teens age 16-19 2 0% Young Adults age 20-29 9 22% Adults age 30-64 5 44 11% Adults age 65 and up 18 All Ages Combined 73 12% Total number of drivers in fatal crashes with THC by year for Lewis County was: 2010 = 0 2011 = 0 2012 = 1 2013 = 0 2014 = 2 2015 = 4 2016 = 2 THC = The main chemical compound in marijuana that produces effects. Presence confirmed through toxicology testing. If drivers age was unknown, data was excluded from counts. Data Source: Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
% of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Mason County Drivers in Fatal Traffic Crashes under the influence of Marijuana (THC) 2010-2016 Fatal Crashes # of Drivers with THC # of Drivers % of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Teens age 16-19 1 100% Young Adults age 20-29 2 17 12% Adults age 30-64 39 5% Adults age 65 and up 13 0% All Ages Combined 5 70 7% Total number of drivers in fatal crashes with THC by year for Mason County was: 2010 = 0 2011 = 1 2012 = 0 2013 = 1 2014 = 1 2015 = 1 2016 = 1 THC = The main chemical compound in marijuana that produces effects. Presence confirmed through toxicology testing. If drivers age was unknown, data was excluded from counts. Data Source: Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
% of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Pacific County Drivers in Fatal Traffic Crashes under the influence of Marijuana (THC) 2010-2016 Fatal Crashes # of Drivers with THC # of Drivers % of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Teens age 16-19 1 0% Young Adults age 20-29 4 25% Adults age 30-64 12 8% Adults age 65 and up 5 All Ages Combined 2 22 9% Total number of drivers in fatal crashes with THC by year for Pacific County was: 2010 = 0 2011 = 0 2012 = 0 2013 = 1 2014 = 0 2015 = 0 2016 = 1 THC = The main chemical compound in marijuana that produces effects. Presence confirmed through toxicology testing. If drivers age was unknown, data was excluded from counts. Data Source: Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
% of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Thurston County Drivers in Fatal Traffic Crashes under the influence of Marijuana (THC) 2010-2016 Fatal Crashes # of Drivers with THC # of Drivers % of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Teens age 16-19 2 17 12% Young Adults age 20-29 7 38 18% Adults age 30-64 93 8% Adults age 65 and up 23 0% All Ages Combined 16 171 9% Total number of drivers in fatal crashes with THC by year for Thurston County was: 2010 = 3 2011 = 1 2012 = 2 2013 = 0 2014 = 4 2015 = 3 2016 = 3 THC = The main chemical compound in marijuana that produces effects. Presence confirmed through toxicology testing. If drivers age was unknown, data was excluded from counts. Data Source: Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
% of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Wahkiakum County Drivers in Fatal Traffic Crashes under the influence of Marijuana (THC) 2010-2016 Fatal Crashes # of Drivers with THC # of Drivers % of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Teens age 16-19 0% Young Adults age 20-29 Adults age 30-64 2 Adults age 65 and up All Ages Combined 4 Total number of drivers in fatal crashes with THC by year for Wahkiakum County was: 2010 = 0 2011 = 0 2012 = 0 2013 = 0 2014 = 0 2015 = 0 2016 = 0 THC = The main chemical compound in marijuana that produces effects. Presence confirmed through toxicology testing. If drivers age was unknown, data was excluded from counts. Data Source: Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Seven Counties Combined Drivers in Fatal Traffic Crashes under the influence of Marijuana (THC) 2010-2016 Fatal Crashes # of Drivers with THC # of Drivers % of All Fatal Crashes involving THC Teens age 16-19 5 30 17% Young Adults age 20-29 17 92 18% Adults age 30-64 20 276 7% Adults age 65 and up 2 78 3% All Ages Combined 44 476 9% Total number of drivers in fatal crashes with THC by year for the seven counties combined was: 2010 = 6 2011 = 3 2012 = 5 2013 = 3 2014 = 9 2015 = 10 2016 = 8 THC = The main chemical compound in marijuana that produces effects. Presence confirmed through toxicology testing. If drivers age was unknown, data was excluded from counts. Data Source: Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Driving Under the Influence Data Source of following youth marijuana impaired driving data is the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Seven Counties (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle within three hours after using marijuana? Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Seven Counties Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle when you had been drinking alcohol? Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Seven Counties (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been using marijuana? Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Seven Counties (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) Does anyone who lives with you now use marijuana? (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been using marijuana? The graph reads the following way: In Cowlitz County, 17% of 10th graders who live with someone who uses marijuana drove under the influence of marijuana in the past month. In Cowlitz County, 6% of 10th graders who live in a home where no one uses marijuana drove under the influence of marijuana in the past month. Based on Healthy Youth Survey data, living in a home with someone who uses marijuana increases the likelihood that youth will drive under the influence of marijuana. Parents talking with children about using marijuana showed little difference in percent driving under the influence of marijuana. Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Cowlitz County 2016: Recent Driving Within 3 Hours of Using Marijuana 10th Graders Female 8% Male 10% All 10th Graders 9% 12th Graders Female 13% Male 22% All 12th Graders 17% 2016: Recent Riding with Someone who was Using Marijuana (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle within three hours after using marijuana? (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been using marijuana? 10th Graders Female 26% Male 23% All 10th Graders 24% 12th Graders Female 28% Male 24% All 12th Graders 26% Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. N/A = not available. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Grays Harbor County 2016: Recent Driving Within 3 Hours of Using Marijuana 10th Graders Female 9% Male 14% All 10th Graders 12% 12th Graders Female 14% Male 16% All 12th Graders 15% 2016: Recent Riding with Someone who was Using Marijuana (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle within three hours after using marijuana? (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been using marijuana? 10th Graders Female 25% Male 27% All 10th Graders 26% 12th Graders Female 30% Male 19% All 12th Graders 24% Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. N/A = not available. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Lewis County 2016: Recent Driving Within 3 Hours of Using Marijuana 10th Graders Female 12% Male 13% All 10th Graders 12th Graders Female 24% Male 22% All 12th Graders 23% 2016: Recent Riding with Someone who was Using Marijuana (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle within three hours after using marijuana? (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been using marijuana? 10th Graders Female 24% Male 21% All 10th Graders 22% 12th Graders Female 33% Male 31% All 12th Graders 32% Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. N/A = not available. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Mason County 2016: Recent Driving Within 3 Hours of Using Marijuana 10th Graders Female N/A Male 15% All 10th Graders 12th Graders Female N/A Male 22% All 12th Graders 17% 2016: Recent Riding with Someone who was Using Marijuana (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle within three hours after using marijuana? (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been using marijuana? 10th Graders Female 20% Male 26% All 10th Graders 24% 12th Graders Female 22% Male All 12th Graders Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. N/A = not available. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Pacific County 2016: Recent Driving Within 3 Hours of Using Marijuana 10th Graders Female N/A Male All 10th Graders 15% 12th Graders Female N/A Male All 12th Graders 14% 2016: Recent Riding with Someone who was Using Marijuana (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle within three hours after using marijuana? (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been using marijuana? 10th Graders Female 39% Male N/A All 10th Graders 28% 12th Graders Female N/A Male All 12th Graders 22% Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. N/A = not available. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Thurston County 2016: Recent Driving Within 3 Hours of Using Marijuana 10th Graders Female 10% Male 12% All 10th Graders 11% 12th Graders Female 17% Male 22% All 12th Graders 19% 2016: Recent Riding with Someone who was Using Marijuana (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle within three hours after using marijuana? (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been using marijuana? 10th Graders Female 21% Male 19% All 10th Graders 12th Graders Female 27% Male 30% All 12th Graders 29% Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. N/A = not available. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Wahkiakum County 2016: Recent Driving Within 3 Hours of Using Marijuana 10th Graders Female N/A Male All 10th Graders 7% 12th Graders Female N/A Male All 12th Graders 10% 2016: Recent Riding with Someone who was Using Marijuana (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle within three hours after using marijuana? (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been using marijuana? 10th Graders Female N/A Male All 10th Graders 33% 12th Graders Female N/A Male All 12th Graders 25% Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. N/A = not available. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Seven Counties Combined 2016: Recent Driving Within 3 Hours of Using Marijuana 10th Graders Female 9% Male 11% All 10th Graders 10% 12th Graders Female 15% Male 19% All 12th Graders 17% 2016: Recent Riding with Someone who was Using Marijuana (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle within three hours after using marijuana? (Healthy Youth Survey 2016) During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been using marijuana? 10th Graders Female 20% Male 18% All 10th Graders 19% 12th Graders Female 25% Male 26% All 12th Graders Data Source: Healthy Youth Survey 2016. N/A = not available. Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program
Contact Information Mary Ann O’Garro Thurston County Public Health & Social Services 360-867-2525 Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program