Volunteer Field Representative Program Goals and responsibilities
Program Goals Ensure that new clubs are properly organized and trained Provide ongoing training of current and future leaders Expedite the dissemination of new club building expertise Tap the resources of past district and national officers for the betterment of Exchange Leverage leadership by having many individuals trained in current procedure within critical geographic locations adding to National Headquarters’ responsiveness
VFR Program Program Rules Identify and cultivate future leaders Leverage Exchange’s leadership by having many individuals trained in current procedure within critical geographic locations adding to National Headquarters’ responsiveness Expand the leadership opportunities for officers of the future Improve quality and consistency of training materials utilized Identify and cultivate future leaders Develop a culture of leadership within Exchange, enhancing the leadership skills and abilities of current and future leaders Establish a leadership training program for Past National Presidents
Communicate with District President Determine district progress Determine where VFR help is needed Determine if other assistance is required from National Headquarters Establish yourself as trainer within the district
Conduct annual District Director’s training Coordinate with District President on location and time Report on results of training Ask if you can be the one who organizes the training conference
Provide Special Training Club lifesaving New club building Club officer Other training, as needed
Promote National Programs in the District Child Abuse Prevention Services NEC Foundation Fundraising Programs
Update and work in concert with National Headquarters on the District’s progress Provide Monthly reports to National headquarters and regional vice president Report on special activities Communicate and work with assigned regional vice president
Growth Provide assistance to clubs that wish to grow. Become an active member of your district’s new club building committee.
Conventions Attend National Conventions as much and often as possible Attend VFR workshop at National Convention Attend and participate in your District Convention, when possible
Submit monthly reports Submit training reports Submit reports on national assignments
Assignments Assignments will be made by the Executive Vice President or his/her designee. Assignments may also be made by the National President in conjunction with the EVP. Requests for assignment should be made to the EVP in writing whenever possible; however, telephone request will be honored as well. Only those assignments made by the EVP (or designee) or National President will be considered for reimbursement. All VFRs are encouraged to take an active role within their districts. Geographic location, travel expense, expertise and personal schedule are items to considered when making assignments.