April 10, 2018 Save the Date Passport 2018 Poster Day for Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows EVENT DATE: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. School of Medicine Research and Graduate Medical Education offices are co-sponsoring a research, quality improvement, and patient safety Poster Day to highlight the work of our medical students, residents, and fellows. Registration Opens January 15, 2017 Benefits for Faculty: Check out student research projects Review quality improvement and patient safety projects from residents and fellows Meet potential collaborators Benefits for Presenters: Present your work Include a scholarly presentation in your CV Printing costs are covered Cash Awards for Presenting Door Prizes for Attending QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: Medical Students: Emma Richardson, MA Program Coordinator SOMResearch@uthscsa.edu Residents & Fellows: Lisa Hutcherson, MS.MEd.L Program Manager Quality Improvement / Patient Safety HutchersonL@uthscsa.edu