Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Thursday 22 November 2018 #DeterminedHappySuccessful
from the DHS Office
Pupil Voice Meeting today! Could the Pupil Voice team please attend a meeting at lunchtime today in Mrs Zielinski’s room (G303). Mrs Zielinski
Barcelona Trip Meeting today! All students involved in this trip should attend a short meeting today at lunchtime (1.30pm) in the PE classroom. Miss Maclaine
Sweeties! The winner of ‘Guess the Number of Sweets in the Jar’ is Jessica Barlow in 1L1. The number of sweets was 356! Well done Jessica!
Matilda Trip Reminder that the final payment for the Matilda trip is due. If you do not make the final payment, you risk losing your deposit and your place on the trip. See Miss Wood if there are any issues. Miss Wood
Volunteers Needed! We desperately need volunteers to cut fabric for a craft fundraiser. If you can spare some time at break or lunchtime this week, please go to Miss Wood’s classroom to get involved. Miss Wood
These messages are posted on our website under News/Daily Bulletins and also posted on Twitter @official_DHS