Tuesday, January 6, 2015 Log on to your assigned computer I can practice test taking skills in order to prepare for future SMARTER BALANCED assessment. Log on to your assigned computer Open Google Chrome or Firefox In the search box type in SMARTER BALANCE WASHINGTON The first search is this: Washington State Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Click this link
This is the screen you should be on
Instructions cont Click on Practice Tests HERE
Click on the Practice Tests link.
Scroll down and click on this link
Click on Sign In
Select 6 for your grade then Click here
Select this test
Click select
Click here
Click on the speaker icon to check if your volume is working Click on the speaker icon to check if your volume is working. Adjust if necessary. Then click yes
Scroll through the screen to see what each icon does then click “Begin Test Now”
Afterwards On the back of your PreSurvey, answer the following question using bullet formatting: What did you learn from taking this practice test. Be specific. I learned…….. I learned that…. I also learned…