CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd Corporate Trustee for the CNI Iwi Collective Rangitaiki River Forum 21 March 2017 1
Whatu ngarongaro te tangata… Toi tu te whenua…. Whatu ngarongaro te tangata… People may come and go…. The land remains forever… 2
Timeline 1900’s land confiscated / acquired by the Crown through illegal means 1980’s – 2005 Crown and Iwi tried various approaches to work towards settlement 2005 Iwi met to discuss a collective approach led by Te Ariki Tumu Te Heuheu 2008 CNI Iwi Collective Deed of Settlement signed 3
The Land June 2009 the 8 Iwi received 176,000 Ha of Central North Island Forest land - Kaingaroa and smaller satellite forests ≈142,000 Ha in the Bay of Plenty Land is leased under Crown Forestry Licenses i.e. in forest for up to 35 years 4
The People Ngāti Whare Ngāti Manawa Ngai Tūhoe Ngāti Tūwharetoa Ngāti Rangitihi Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Raukawa Ngāti Whakaue Collectively- 110,000 people 6
CNIIHL holds and manages the land until 2043 CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd CNIIHL holds and manages the land until 2043 Governed by a Board of 16 Directors (2 directors per Iwi) Formal processes to receive and distribute ≈ $15m revenue from the land to the shareholders Outsources land management to CNI Iwi Land Management Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary) 7
The CNI Iwi Collective: The 8 Iwi of the Collective annually receive income from the Trust and use this putea for Social, Cultural and Economic projects 5 Iwi have settled with the Crown 3 Iwi are negotiating settlements with the Crown 8
Challenges 9
Completing the Mana Whenua process and finalising all aspects of the Final allocation agreement To maximise wealth through operating a successful commercial business, respectful of tikanga and the environment To manage the land and opportunities for current and future generations. 10
Crown Forest Licenses - locked into forestry for up to 35 years To future-proof wealth creation and stability for our beneficiaries we need to unlock the potential of the land, and the suite of resources needed to be able to use it Carbon - ETS Pre 1990 Forest Water Nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus 11
Aspirations 12
Create a future for our people where opportunities abound and we have a thriving, happy, prosperous community* 13
Maximise our primary industry and natural resources* Grow and build a prosperous future for our mokopuna* Deliver intergenerational assets and income 14
Achieving best practice in all our dealings and relationships Work with long term partners who can add value 15
Thank you Tēnā koutou 16