Year 9 Guided Choices Evening Update on national curriculum and assessment change and our response TRS guided choices
Curriculum and Assessment Change - Overview New GCSEs in English Language, English Literature and mathematics from Sept 15 A*-G will be replaced with 9-1 and U English: no tier of entry – all students will take the same exam 20% of marks awarded for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Maths: 35% more content Focus on problem solving in maths All courses linear: no module tests, no coursework, no controlled assessment
Curriculum and Assessment Change – TRS response Maths: Increase in time from 6 lessons to 8 lessons Weekly problem solving numeracy based activities in mentoring English: Weekly literacy activity in mentoring Read To Succeed every day New marking policy with focus on spelling All subjects: Formal exams every 6 months – strengthen exam skills
Preparation for the next stage in their education Your son / daughter will attain qualifications in: English language English literature Mathematics Science (x2) PE 4 optional subjects 10 GCSE or equivalent qualifications in total
TRS Guided Choices Information Speak with teaching staff tonight Choose what will support you, not what friends are doing Choose a range of subjects CIDA has been removed – replaced by iMedia qualification Forms returned no later than 23rd January