Module VI.2 Transfer of knowledge into daily work Trainer: [Name]
Overview of this module Group and individual work on how to use the gained knowledge in your work ‘Peer-to-peer advice’ ‘Letter to myself’ or ‘Action plan’ This module is a bit different from the others, since it focuses more on practical work! The cases for the "peer to peer advice" should preferably be some that would need intersectoral coordination
What can you expect to learn from this session? Transfer what has been learnt into your daily work Identify challenges you may encounter in your daily work Explore how to overcome challenges
Using the results from the training in your daily work Training not an end in itself! Learning by doing and from feedback of peers and resource persons Source of picture:
Challenges in knowledge transfer Example 1: obtaining funding for adaptation, when the responsible department (mostly Ministry of Finance) is not integrated within the coordination structure. Example 2: Bureaucratic procedures blocking possibilities for a participatory approach. While example 1 from the previous slide is relatively easy to overcome by mere involvement and communication, example 2 is much more difficult as this is usually deeply rooted within a system. Such an obstacle takes up much time and attention, and makes coordination totally ‘non-functional’. Such challenge asks for policy reform that needs to be backed up by many people for a reform ever to come about. 30/11/2018 NAP country-level training
Exercise 1: Peer-to-peer support for selected cases - I 2 volunteers among the trainees are invited to present a challenging real case from their day-to-day work in 2 sub- groups. Examples of such cases might include: Getting political support for the NAP process; steering the NAP process adequately; enabling inter-sectoral cooperation for NAP implementation; harmonizing existing data sources; ensuring necessary access to knowledge for adaptation.
Exercise 1: Peer-to-peer support for selected cases - II Trainees intensively discuss the case and provide advice along the given format: 15 min: Volunteer presents the case. 15 min: Group of advisors pose questions to the volunteer to better understand the case. 15 min: Internal deliberation on possible solutions to the challenge without the volunteer. 20 min: Discussion of potential solutions together with the volunteer. The volunteer will present the recommendations received in the plenary and analyze how far they helped to address the challenges.
Exercise 2, part 1: individual reflection Guiding questions to fill in matrix VI.2.1: name 3 key learning messages of the training that you find important to reflect in your daily work (what). identify for each learning messages what steps are to be taken for implementation / reflection; when would you implement this element and how would you do so? which obstacles are expected to hinder the execution of the learning message?
Exercise 2, part 2: whisper group discussion form a whisper group with your direct neighbour select those learning messages from part 1, which you are ready to openly discuss for ca.15 minutes you will specify to your neighbour the learning message and which detailed actions you would like to take exchange thoughts about expected obstacles and how to overcome them (use matrix VI.2.2) each trainee discusses his / her points for about 15 minutes
Imprint Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Climate Policy Support Project Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn, Germany T +49 61 96 79-0 F +49 61 96 79-1115 Contact E I Responsible Nele Bünner, GIZ Author Nele Bünner Contributions by Stefanie Dümig This presentation is part of a NAP country-level training that has been developed by GIZ on behalf of BMZ and in cooperation with the NAP Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP), in particular UNDP and UNITAR. The training is designed to support countries in setting up a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. It builds on the NAP Technical Guidelines developed by the Least- Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG). You are welcome to use the slides, as long as you do not alter its content or design (including the logos), nor this imprint. If you have any questions regarding the training, please contact Till Below or Nele Bünner at GIZ. For questions related to the Technical Guidelines, please refer to the UNFCCC’s NAP Support Portal. As a federally owned enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ also engages in human resource development, advanced training and dialogue.