Outbrief MBSE Workshop Breakout Session 31 January 2011 MBSE Usability Activity Team Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Initiative Outbrief MBSE Workshop Breakout Session 31 January 2011
MBSE Usability Activity Team – Breakout Session Approach: Create a set of use cases: Story & Use case details Rank the use cases in order starting with the use case that has the most potential to generate findings (hypothesis) High Value Use Case Dimension Usability measures of success Identify usability levels Identify method to communicate usability issues Conduct a root cause analysis for each usability issues Goals: Usability - "The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use.“ ISO To identify how SysML and supporting tools can be made easier to learn and use and to promote usability improvements. Results/High Value Usability Use Cases: Conduct a Design Review using MBSE Environment Assemble components and associated behaviors for library Make assertions on current design Define System architecture and conduct architectural analysis Breakout Session Participation 24 participants 3 Groups – each one focused upon one of the three proposed high value use case dimensions Open Issues: Define usability that is non-specific to a tool vendor Approaches to quantify value added (so for Potential Value (PV) and Frequency of occurrence of a use case Ease of determining differences between model elements and model variants IW 2010 Technical Operations 2
High Value Use Case Dimensions SysML Diagram Type Requirement Use Case Activity Sequence State Chart IBD BDD Parametric Package Cross Cutting Customizations (Profile) Requirements – 50% of the problems are introduced in requirements - SEI Designs are 50-70% correct going into testing – Reynolds Validation Verification Integration Prototype Implementation Collaboration Design / Trades Analysis & Simulation Req / Agreement Trace & Impact analysis Op Con Generate (Artifacts / Documents) Configuration Management Process Step Tool Type
MBSE Usability Working Group High Value Use Case Results - Draft Use Case Name High Value Use Case Dimension/Points of emphasis Conduct a Design Review using MBSE Environment Process Step/Design/Differencing between two models and peer reviewing model artifacts Make assertions on current design Design is consistent/all requirements allocations complete/performance requirements met by design Assemble components from library to meet mission needs Tool Type/Assemble components and associated behaviors for library to meet mission needs/includes collaboration across engineering analysis & simulation with configuration management aspects Define System architecture and conduct architectural analysis Process Step/Establish profiles for architecting viewpoints/Finding views, packages for incorporation into tools.
MBSE Usability Activity Team Next Steps