Week 23: 2/27/18 Writing prompt: A Perfect world Paper pass: list poems Revising partner poems (Mango imitations) Launching dystopian unit! Choose books!
Writing prompt: A perfect world What would a perfect world look like? A perfect hometown? Think of this world, this town where you live. What would make your hometown ideal for you, for others, for all people? Remember, your ideal might be different from your classmates.’ That’s why it’s worth trying to describe.
Revision: Mango Imitations or Poetry anthology?
Chat slip: Tear out a blank page from your notebook Put your name on top Draw a line down the center of the page, top to bottom On right side: 2 things you tried to do in imitation 1 question for reader: what are you not sure about? Left side = space for reader(s) to respond We will staple this to poem.
Partner revision: reader Underline imagery, where you SEE it or FEEL it Box not-specific-enough-to-see-it-yet Put a * by the BEST word choice in this poem/imitation On the bottom write 2 things writer did that amaze you. On the bottom write 1 question you still have. At the top, brainstorm titles. Try to give your partner 2-3 suggestions! Random if you have to! And TALK to your partner. Tell them what you noticed, what was awesome, what questions you have. Tell them what impacted you, and what you’ll remember after walking away from the poem.