As we go – highlight key/bold terms and important concepts Genetic Disorders p. 115 As we go – highlight key/bold terms and important concepts
How do you get a genetic disease? Gene disorders are inherited as a single gene on a chromosome.
How do you get a genetic disease? Most gene disorders are recessive. Thus, in order to express the disorder, the individual must be homozygous recessive. heterozygous homozygous homozygous dominant recessive normal normal albino
How do you get a genetic disease? Science hypothesizes that gene disorders arose from mutations that disabled specific proteins, or increase production harmfully
Autosomal diseases Autosomal genetic diseases occur when the gene defect is on one of the first 22 pairs of chromosomes (called the autosomal chromosomes)
Fill It In … What does “autosomal” mean?
Autosomal diseases Huntington’s disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant gene. Huntington’s disease breaks down certain areas of the brain. In addition to being dominant, Huntington’s is also unique because symptoms begin appearing in the person’s late forties.
Huntington’s Disease Autosomal, dominant Deterioration of brain tissue, usually begins between age 30 and 40. No cure, but have medications to cope with symptoms People usually die 15-20 years after onset of degeneration
Autosomal diseases Sickle-cell anemia is inherited as a codominant /recessive autosomal gene. Sickle-cell anemia leads to misshapen red blood cells, which lead to poor circulation and pain.
Sickle Cell Anemia Disorder where abnormal hemoglobin (a protein inside red blood cells) is produced and warps red blood cells Sickle cells deliver less oxygen to body’s tissues and can get stuck in small blood vessels Recessive trait, tends to be seen in people of African or Mediterranean descent Hemoglobin carries oxygen to cells, life expectancy shorter, patients used to die of organ failure between 20 and 40, but now people tend to live into their 50s in the US anyway
Autosomal diseases Sickle cell is unique because heterozygous individuals are not affected by sickle-cell AND are able to resist malaria. Currently, sickle-cell is primarily in African populations. More on sickle cell anemia later!
Sickle-Cell Disease
Autosomal diseases Cystic fibrosis is inherited as a recessive autosomal gene. Cystic fibrosis leads to increased mucus production in the lungs and digestive tract, which may be fatal. Currently, this disease is primarily in Caucasian populations.
Autosomal diseases Tay-Sach’s is inherited as a recessive autosomal gene. Tay-Sach’s degenerates (breaks down) the central nervous system, leading to premature death. Currently Tay-Sach’s is primarily in Jewish and Pennsylvania Dutch populations. Alyssa Gold May 30, 1997 - March 17, 2001
Autosomal diseases Phenylketonuria (PKU) is inherited as a recessive autosomal gene. PKU leads to the inability to break down the amino acid phenylalanine when ingested. The phenylalanine builds up in the brain and leads to decreased mental function. So how would YOU treat this disease?
Autosomal diseases Living with PKU PKU is unique because, if detected early, it can be entirely controlled by diet. Individuals can simply not consume products containing phenylalanine (such as milk & diet sodas).
Autosomal diseases However, any damage done before detection is irreversible. In hospitals, children are tested at birth.
How do you get a genetic disease? 2. Sex-linked genetic diseases occur when the gene defect is on the last pair (23rd) of chromosomes (called the sex chromosomes)
How do you get a genetic disease? Because males inherit only a single X chromosome (they are XY) and the X carriers the majority of sex-linked genes, males are MORE LIKELY to express sex-linked disorders and cannot be carriers of these traits.
Sex-linked diseases Hemophilia is inherited as a recessive sex-linked gene. Hemophilia leads to low production of blood clotting factors which leads to excessive bruising and bleeding.
Some History Hemophilia has played an important role in Europe's history The disease began to crop up in Great Britain's Queen Victoria’s children It became known as the "Royal disease" because it spread to the royal families of Europe through Victoria's descendants
How it Spread it spread through the Royal Houses of Europe as monarchs arranged marriages to consolidate political alliances. We can trace the appearance of hemophilia as it popped up in Spain, Russia, and Prussia by looking at the family tree.
The Royal Family Tree
Sex-linked diseases Red-green color blindness is inherited as a recessive sex-linked gene. People with red-green color blindness are unable to distinguish red from green colors (both colors often appear a muddy brown).
Fill It In … List genetic diseases that are … Dominant: Codominant: Recessive:
Fill It In … Contrast “autosomal” with “sex-linked” using a T-chart or Venn below. Include specific diseases.
How do you get a genetic disease? B. Chromosomal disorders are inherited due to problems with the entire chromosome (which may contain hundreds of genes!) Thus, an individual with even one chromosomal defect will most likely express the disorder.
How do you get a genetic disease? Science hypothesizes that chromosomal disorders arise from mistakes in meiosis during gamete formation. For example, a sperm cell my receive 22 instead of 23 chromosomes.
How do you get a genetic disease? This incorrect distribution of chromosomes is called nondisjunction. Nondisjunction may lead to aneuploidy - an incorrect number of chromosomes in a fertilized zygote.
Chromosomal disorders An autosomal chromosome aneuploidy refers to having one extra autosome. For example, Trisomy 21 (three #21 chromosomes), leads to Down’s Syndrome.
Chromosomal disorders Characteristics of Down’s Syndrome include some level of mental retardation, heart defects, flat facial features, and an enlarged tongue.
Chromosomal disorders A sex chromosome aneuploidy refers to having one extra or one too few sex chromosomes.
Chromosomal disorders Turner’s Syndrome is the result of inheriting a single X chromosome (genotype XO). These individuals are female but lack secondary sex characteristics, are infertile, and have some lack of mental function.
Chromosomal disorders Klinefelter’s Syndrome is the result of inheriting an extra X chromosome in males (genotype XXY). These individuals are male but lack secondary sex characteristics, are infertile, and have some lack of mental function.
Check Yourself! What is the difference between a gene disorder and a chromosomal disorder? What is the difference between an autosomal disorder and a sex-linked disorder? Why is hemophilia considered a sex-linked disease? What is an aneuploidy?
Can we tell if a baby has a genetic disease? A genetic counselor can help prospective parents determine the likelihood of passing some harmful genetic traits to their offspring and may suggest further testing procedures. Conselors may also interpret diagnostic procedures done by the doctor for parents. p. 118
Can we tell if a baby has a genetic disease? Sonograms/ultrasounds use sound waves to produce an image of the developing fetus. This may be used to detect physical abnormalities (such as cleft palate)
Can we tell if a baby has a genetic disease? Blood tests of the pregnant mother may screen for certain proteins to assess the risk level of certain genetic disorders (such as Down’s Syndrome)
Can we tell if a baby has a genetic disease? Amniocentesis removes amniotic fluid containing fetal cells. The cells are then cultured until mitosis occurs and the chromosomes are visible.
Can we tell if a baby has a genetic disease? A karyotype (a picture of the chromosomes) js made using the visible chromosomes. The karyotype allows doctors to detect chromosomal abnormalities but does NOT detect gene abnormalities. Is this a boy or a girl?
Fill It In … What genetic disorder is present in this karyotype? How do you know? What is the sex of this person?
Can we tell if a baby has a genetic disease? Chorionic villi sampling (CVS) removes actual tissue from the placenta (which is composed of embryonic cells) in order to create a karyotype. This may be done earlier in the pregnancy, but is far more invasive and thus riskier.
Human Genome Project The Human Genome Project has allowed science to develop certain genetic markers. A genetic marker detects the presence of certain gene variations on the chromosomes.
Human Genome Project The genes may either be a direct cause of a disorder or may simply indicate a predisposition for a trait. Doctors or genetic counselors may use genetic markers to screen parents and determine if the parents may be carriers for genetic disorders.
Check Yourself! Name 4 pre-natal tests that may detect genetic disorders. What is a karyotype? Why aren’t individual genes visible on a karyotype?
Can you prevent and/or treat genetic disorders? Currently, there is no “cure” for genetic disorders because the disorder stems from your DNA. However, the symptoms of genetic disorders can be treated and experimental trials for replacing defective genes are underway.
Can you prevent and/or treat genetic disorders? Gene therapies are being developed using information from the Human Genome Project. These therapies seek to use engineered cell invaders (such as a virus) in order to actually replace the defective gene in target cells with a functioning gene.
Environmental factors Environmental factors may play a large role in the expression or progression of certain genetic problems. Environmental factors that interact with genes can be controlled to help prevent the eventual expression of known genetic predispositions.
Environmental factors Appropriate diet can stop the progression of PKU. Diet may also limit the risk for genetic predispositions such as heart disease, alcoholism, and certain cancers.
Environmental factors Environmental toxins such as UV radiation and tobacco products can directly change our genes. Harmful behaviors (such as smoking) and positive behaviors (such as using sun screen) increase or reduce the likelihood of genetic mutations from these toxins. The mutations may lead to cancers if protective genes are disrupted.
Fill It In … What aspect of PKU is … Genetic (Nature)? Environmental (Nurture)?
Check Yourself! What is gene therapy? Identify two environmental toxins that may affect genes.
Malaria and Sickle Cell Anemia HHMI video
Genetic Counselor Training Part 1 AFTER YOU’VE TURNED IN YOUR LAB: Get a textbook (if you need one) Finish Part A of the Genetic Counselor Training. Then, come up front for materials to complete Part B.
Genetic Counselor Training Part 2 Come and get patient strips from me. Return all patient strips when you finish.
Recall: Non-disjunction When chromosomes don’t separate correctly during meiosis, it is called NON-DISJUNCTION. It is as source of genetic variation!
KARYOTYPE REFERENCE SHEET 46 total chromosomes XX = Female
46 total chromosomes XY = Male
47 total chromosomes 3 copies of #21 = Trisomy 21 aka Down’s Syndrome (Non-disjunction) XX = Female
XO = Turner’s Syndrome (female) 45 total chromosomes Only 1 sex chromosome XO = Turner’s Syndrome (female) (Non-disjunction)
XXY = Klinefelter’s Syndrome (male) 47 total chromosomes 3 sex chromosomes XXY = Klinefelter’s Syndrome (male) (Non-disjunction)
3 copies of #13 (Non-disjunction) 47 total chromosomes NOTE: Karyotypes can ONLY detect chromosomal disorders NOT gene disorders! XX = Female 3 copies of #13 (Non-disjunction)
Karyotype Lab/Activity
First: Identify each of the 6 karyotypes as one of these
Second: Match each patient to one of the 6 karyotypes using this page REMEMBER: Karyotypes can ONLY detect chromosomal problems, NOT genetic disorders!!!
Last: Go back and fill in your data table. Answer #7.
Partner Genetics Review PARTNER A PARTNER B Princess Antoinette Jordan Miahra Celeste Lundon Jackson Destinee Brooklyn Tommy Alex Damien T.J. Christian Angel Anthony Jose Tynia Chayra Elijah
Partner Genetics Review PARTNER A PARTNER B E. Gardner Chris Luke A. Faye Garland Lyric Jake Mena John P. Clayton Emmie C. Hau Jacob Dani Heba John O. Zoe Matthew Ryan Cameron Beau Scotlyn Adam Tori Lily Jeremy Carl Isabella Lucy E. Boyle Sarah B. Anthony Ursula Samantha
Partner Genetics Review PARTNER A PARTNER B
Normal Female
Normal Male
Klinefelter’s Syndrome XXY = male; unusually small testes, sterile. Breast enlargement and other feminine body characteristics. Normal intelligence.
Jacobs Syndrome XYY = male - Tall with heavy acne - Speech & reading problems Aggressive tendency??? - Fertile
Triple X Syndrome - XXX = female - Fertile with normal intelligence
Turner Syndrome the ONLY viable monosomy Do NOT undergo puberty XO = female ; sterile
EX 2 Polygenic Inheritance :
Polygenic Disorders Examples: cancer, schizophrenia, hypertension, diabetes, etc several genes involved also environmental influences.
Diabetes Does not break down sugar properly= high blood sugar Type 1- body does not produce insulin Take insulin Genetic correlation Type 2- body does not use the insulin properly Watch diet and exercise Mainly environmentally related
Cancer Uncontrolled growth of cells Genetics- may run in family but doesn’t mean you will get cancer MANY environmental factors can increase cancer rates Diet- veggies, fruits= antioxidants Exercise Smoking Sun
Genetic Counselor Training Part A – Research Use your Biology Handbook (p.115-120) Use the textbook Part B – Diagnose 2 patients and write an analysis for each “Mini Lab” Grade (30 points)