Getting to Know the Seal of Excellence Measure. Learn. Change Webinar: 17 July 2012 Getting to Know the Seal of Excellence
Agenda What is the Seal of Excellence and where did it come from? Answering your Questions The Seal Name and Vision Contact us!
What is the Seal? * Graphic from PPT “Introduction to Social Performance”
What is the Seal? Seal of Excellence * Graphic from PPT “Introduction to Social Performance”
Who leads the Seal?
Administrative Home
What does the Seal aim to achieve? Positive and enduring outcomes for Poor Clients Creating a learning environment to share poverty results best practices Ensuring institutions’ poverty reduction mission is not at odds with their financial sustainability Attracting more MFIs to make poverty reduction part of their mission
The Seal in Context Social Performance + Different Actors Responsible Finance (Do No Harm) Improve Clients’ Lives Client Protection Principles Social Performance Smart Campaign SPTF Universal Standards Seal of Excellence Institutional Commitment MicroFinance Transparency +
Streamlined Social Performance Seal of Excellence (Outcomes) SPTF Universal Standards (Outputs) Smart Campaign Client Protection Principles (Do No Harm)
Benefits of the Seal Learning from institutions with poverty reduction missions that achieve results through the sharing of best practices and partnerships Recognition for institutions who are successful in reaching the poorest clients Funding for institutions who receive the Seal certification
Benefits Investors Networks and Associations Microfinance Practitioners Researchers and Support Organizations Clients Benefits
The Seal defines a journey Learning Agenda: Case studies of best practice Partnering “Gold” institutions with “Bronze” institutions
Progress within the Seal Community of Practice Aspiring to the Seal Emerging Practitioner First Level Certified Achievement Second Level Certified Leadership Top Level
The Future Vision A name and logo that draw clients in and capture the meaning of the Seal on a local and global scale
Naming the Seal Challenges Length “Seal” over-used? Use of term “poverty” often does not sit well with clients, but need to keep poverty focus Adaptability to local and global contexts Adaptability for future “seals” for achievement in other social missions (gender, etc) Window test – drawing clients in
The MFI Test Seal of Excellence Certified Achievement in Poverty Outreach and Transformation
The Investor/Network Test
The Window Test
The Window Test
Social Enterprises and the Seal
Naming the Seal What do YOU think? What name would you respond to? Your network members? Your investees and donors? What about your clients? What images would they be drawn to visually? What works in your country? In a global context? Suggestions?
Example Indicator 2.4 2.4 Results: Poverty Outreach at Entry Benchmarked (as relevant for country) % <National poverty line % <$1.25 at PPP % < $2.5 at PPP % < $5 at PPP (or significant number) Disaggregate by gender as applicable
Example Indicator 3.3 3.3 Results: Clients Supported in Vulnerable Situations % defaulters who are poor clients who ‘can’t pay’ % poor clients with rescheduled loans % poor clients with savings products for emergencies % poor clients with insurance intended to respond to important risks for them % poor clients with payouts on such insurance, previous year Disaggregate by gender as applicable
Megan Montgomery, JD Bergeron, Bridget Dougherty We want to hear from you! Megan Montgomery, JD Bergeron, Bridget Dougherty Blog: Facebook: Excellence/425649797477873 Twitter: @MFforthepoor Funding for the Seal of Excellence for Poverty Outreach and Transformation in Microfinance in 2011 and 2012 has been generously contributed by Ford Foundation, Dell Foundation and USAID.