Online submission for work placements: digital literacy issues Claire Mc Donnell DIT
Background Final year BSc Optometry undergraduates 5 month work placement Log book, competencies, case reports, various patient records, supervisor’s monthly report
Problems with the paper system Submissions sent in by post Feedback not timely Large marking load for the internal supervisor Loss of work (particularly log book) Difficulty getting supervisors to send in monthly reports
Solution: Online system Original plan – everything online New plan – some patient records, competencies and supervisor reports online Online logbook created using Google app script All users must have gmail accounts – DIT staff & students – fine. Specific gmail accounts set up for placement supervisors (e.g.
Digital Literacy Issues System does not work properly with Internet explorer. Supervisors told to use other browser. Many did not know what a “browser” was. Most supervisors tried to log on with their personal gmail account instead of the one given to them. Several supervisors reverted to the paper system having only tried to log on once.
Changes for next year Supervisor training will include short explanation of browsers. Log in system to change so it is independent of email. Students will start to use the system while still in college.