Definition A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. Examples: student (person) Mrs. Smith (person) Glenwood School (place) cafeteria (place) book (thing) friendship (idea)
Common Nouns Common nouns are just regular nouns. bird frog rock desk room forest cloud girl man
Proper Nouns Proper nouns name SPECIFIC people, places, or things. Dr. Moore Todd Wynnbrook Baptist Church Burger King Big Foot
Concrete Nouns If you can see, smell, taste, hear or touch the item, it is a concrete noun. It must register with one of your five senses. pizza boy car rose teacher Mrs. Smith
Abstract Nouns If you cannot experience the noun with one of your five senses, it is abstract. politeness Freedom bravery trust honor power
Collective Nouns Collective nouns name groups with more than one member. team jury club committee gang army band squad
Singular Nouns A singular noun is one. cup dog bottle child man baby box
Plural For the plural form of most nouns, add an –s. cups dogs bottles
Plural For nouns that end in ch, x, or s, add -es. box…boxes church…churches fox…foxes
Plural For nouns ending in f or fe, change f to v and add es. wolf…wolves wife…wives
Plural Some nouns have different plural forms. child … children woman … women man … men mouse … mice goose … geese
Try these with the classmates at your table! Identify the nouns. Mrs. Smith made us write too many notes. Students should not have to do too much work. The class wants to play or go to Applebees.
Try these with classmates at your table! Identify the proper nouns. Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton want to be president. Barak Obama is the president of the United States. I want a Diet Dr. Pepper.
Try these with classmates at your table! Identify the concrete nouns. The bird left poop on my windshield. The cupcake has sprinkles.
Try these with classmates at your table! Identify the abstract nouns. The joy he felt was noticeable on his face. Their friendship is very strong. I need peace after a long day of work.
Try these with classmates at your table! Identify the collective nouns. The band played on Saturday afternoon. I want to be on the cheerleading squad next year. The men in the army are heroes.
Try these with classmates at your table! How do you make the following nouns plural? baby cat tax watch child mouse class