Common, Proper, Concrete & Abstract NOUNS, NOUNS, NOUNS Common, Proper, Concrete & Abstract
A noun is a word that names something: person, place, thing, or idea
My mom loves to cook. My teacher is so funny. A common noun names any one of a class of people, places, or things. They are not capitalized. blocks horse trombone
Hey, Mom, can you pick me up? Ms. Raymond is so funny. A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing. These types of nouns are capitalized. The Beatles University of Texas Lamborghini
Hey, Mom, can you pick me up? Ask them to help you. Pronouns are words we use in the place of a full noun. They are not capitalized. The Beatles University of Texas Lamborghini
Search for common & proper nouns Identify the nouns in the following paragraph. Put a box around the proper nouns and circle the common nouns. Underline the pronouns. My favorite class period is lunch. Yesterday, Deanna forgot her wallet in her car so she had to buy lunch from the cafeteria. She had meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Mr. Jack, a really nice lunch server, gave her an extra cookie, so she was pretty happy. Anderson has a good lunch, but I wanted Whataburger. I hopped in my Jeep and drove to get a patty melt. It was delicious! And don’t worry, I didn’t forget the fancy ketchup!
Search for common & proper nouns Identify the nouns in the following paragraph. Put a box around the proper nouns and circle the common nouns. Underline the pronouns. My favorite class period is lunch. Yesterday, Deanna forgot her wallet in her car so she had to buy lunch from the cafeteria. She had meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Mr. Jack, a really nice lunch server, gave her an extra cookie, so she was pretty content. Anderson has a good lunch, but I wanted Whataburger. I hopped in my Jeep and drove to get a patty melt. It was delicious! And don’t worry, I didn’t forget the fancy ketchup! How many proper nouns did you find? How many common nouns? How many pronouns?
music video (and foxes) Concrete nouns name something you can see, touch, taste, hear, or smell. *Can be common or proper backpack Troy the Trojan
Abstract nouns name something you cannot perceive through any of your five senses. It may be a feeling or a state of being. *may also be common or proper love days (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) & holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.)
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