Testimonials by Students of RUSA funded institutions in Jharkhand
Gopinath Singh Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Soumya, Gopinath Singh Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Garhwa Continued……….
Anmol Roll no. 032 Mass Communication (BA-2), Session 2015-18 Karim City College, Jamshedpur, Mob. No. 9263715351, kcc.anmol@gmail.com
An educational institution is not merely an array of classrooms, chalks , and blackboards. It is much more than this. This something more adds to its students. Learning becomes easier when the college becomes equipped with fine libraries, well equipped with newer technologies and clean surroundings. All these things play as vital a role in the learning process as the teachers who teach. With the help of RUSA (Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyaan), all this has been finally and satisfactorily implemented in our college. The new furniture provides greater comfort and a proper studying posture to the students while sitting in classrooms. The new computer systems that have been installed will eventually lead to more tech-savvy students and learning will be easier and much fun………………….. continued………..
since what we see before us gets better stored in our memory ....since what we see before us gets better stored in our memory. It is certainly a treat to be taught in smart classrooms! The college library is better furnished with books of different subjects. This has opened greater accommodation and better issuing facilities to the students. The common rooms have been equipped with new game sets . This has opened a great arena to the students for refreshment, which will surely help attain a healthy and balanced atmosphere of learning. The efforts of RUSA in promoting better quality of education and facilities has been commendable. But only if it had been sometime earlier, we could have enjoyed their benefits for a longer time span. Nevertheless, the present and upcoming batches will receive good results from these efforts. Thank you......... Eram Siddiqui B.A. Part-3 Roll No. 436 Karim City College Mob. No. 7050889693 siddiquieram6@gmail.com
Jamshedpur Women’s College, Jamshedpur