The Qualities of a Delicious Lollipop Learning about the Properties of Matter Giuseppina DeDilectis October 2015 Clipart borrowed from
Tell me about your favorite lollipop Ask students about their favorite lollipop and why Introduce teacher’s favorite lollipop Clipart borrowed from google images
What is a lollipop made of? Clipart borrowed from
Matter Yes! Matter is anything that takes up space. Are lollipops made up of matter? Matter has 3 phases: Ask students to identify items in the room that are made of matter (i.e. chair, desk, computer, themselves, etc.) Yes, lollipops are made of matter How do we describe matter? Yes! Clipart borrowed from google images
Can Matter be described? Yes! Size Shape Taste Color Texture Mass Volume Odor -What does “Size” mean? Shape? Taste? Color? Texture? - It sounds like you know these words well. Let’s learn about the scientific words used to describe a lollipop! Clipart borrowed from google images
Mass The amount of matter that is in an object Which object has more mass? If a student asks: weight is related to mass but NOT the same as mass. - Discuss why the baseball has more mass than a lollipop Clipart borrowed from google images
Volume The amount of space that matter takes up Which object would take up the greatest amount of space in the box? Clipart borrowed from google images
Clipart borrowed from Candy Warehouse Describe a lollipop Size Texture Shape Odor Taste Mass Class Activity Using the vocab, describe the lollipop Mass and Volume will be properly measured during the webquest. Will a lollipop have a large amount of mass or small? How much space do you think a lollipop occupies? Color Volume Clipart borrowed from Candy Warehouse
Quiz Time! All of them Question # 1 Which object is made up of matter? Students will either be stationed on their iPads or at a computer. I will be walking around and monitoring their participation and available for questions. Next Question Clipart borrowed from google images
Quiz Time! Question # 2 What is Mass? The amount of space that matter takes up The amount of matter that is in an object The weight of an object Something that is massive Students will either be stationed on their iPads or at a computer. I will be walking around and monitoring their participation and available for questions. Next Question
Which word is NOT used to describe matter? Quiz Time! Question # 3 Which word is NOT used to describe matter? Emotion Color Texture Volume Students will either be stationed on their iPads or at a computer. I will be walking around and monitoring their participation and available for questions. Next Question
How many phases does matter have? Quiz Time! Question # 4 How many phases does matter have? 5 2 6 3 Students will either be stationed on their iPads or at a computer. I will be walking around and monitoring their participation and available for questions. Next Question
Quiz Time! Question # 5 What is Volume? The amount of matter that is in an object The amount of space that matter takes up The color of an object The shape of an object Students will either be stationed on their iPads or at a computer. I will be walking around and monitoring their participation and available for questions. End of Quiz
Let’s go to the next question!
Clipart borrowed from google images Try Again! Clipart borrowed from google images
GREAT JOB! How did you do on this quiz? Review your answers Write the definitions to each vocab. term in “your own words” Talk to a friend about what you learned today Clipart borrowed from google images
Florida Standards Addressed SC.4.P.8.1 : Measure & compare objects and materials based on their physical properties including: mass, shape, volume, color, hardness, texture, odor, taste, attraction to magnets. LAFS.4.RI.2.5 : Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area. Clipart borrowed from google images