Learning Prompt- How do you think tonight’s readings connect to the next steps in our assessment process?
Last week… This week… February 14 Class 6-E 1) Creating a Learner Profile (Douglas) 2) Review Draft 1 Checklist 3) Peer Review Cog. Summary 4) PRACTICE 5) Collaborative Write 6) Working on Case Learner Profiles 7) PRACTICE--Test Workshops-CRI, CELF, Slingerland PRACTICE YOUR TESTS! Mandatory Reading: Chapter 7 Due: FULL Cognitive Summary for peer review-1 HARD COPY BRING: laptops binders testing materials for practice This week… February 21 Class 7 -K 1) Data Team Meeting 2 Intro: “Collaborative Assessment Conference” 2) Dynamic Assessment Lecture 3) Collaborative Profiling & Writing w/ Results from Intern Testing Days Video Lecture 1) Video Tutorial: Researching Disabilities Mandatory Reading: 1) Compton 2012- Cognitive and Academic Profiles of Reading and Mathematics LD 2) Bedford & Hollinger (2006) PRACTICE YOUR TESTS! DUE: Draft 1 (Introduction Revised & Cognitive Section/Summary) BRING: laptops binders testing materials for practice
Class: Data Team Meeting 2 Intro: “Collaborative Assessment Conference” Dynamic Assessment Intro Case Study Teams: Discuss choose work sample for CAC Collaborative Profiling, Writing & Scoring Work on profiles & prep for testing Practice Teams: CELF Workshop, CRI Workshop Agenda
Guiding assessment through student work Data Based Decision Making, The Collaborative Conference, and Dynamic Assessment Guiding assessment through student work
Think back to SPED 462-Intro to assessment, name opportunities for data-collection in the classroom
Why Data Based decision making? Analyze strengths, weakness, threats, and opportunities for school improvement To meet accountability requirements To focus efforts and monitor progress To develop a sense of community through organizational learning CPS FRAMEWORK FOR TEACHING: Teacher Evaluations in CPS are based on DBDM Feedback from administrators is crucial to keep us improving our practice. http://cps.edu/ReachStudents/Pages/ProfessionalPractice.aspx We use (or SHOULD use) dbdm in our teaching daily. When we monitor progress of IEP goals, when trying to reach that one student who we “swear we’ve done everything”, DBDM is even being used ON us, through teacher evaluations, NWEA/MAP/MPG assessments, etc. http://cps.edu/ReachStudents/Pages/ProfessionalPractice.aspx
Data-based individualization A systematic process of providing intensive academic and behavioral interventions Links interventions to assessments A dynamic process that adjusts over time depending on the student’s academic and/or behavioral performance and needs Often domain-specific (e.g. reading comprehension, impulsive behavior) Often implemented within MTSS/RtI framework at Tier 2 or Tier 3 Diagnostic assessment and progress monitoring inform decisions about interventions and adaptations. Teaching Exceptional Children, a publication of Council for Exceptional Children, devoted an entire issue in 2014 to data-based individualization. The introductory article provides an overview of data-based individualization. The rest of the publication includes great resources for using data-based individualization, so check it out if you can! Basically, this is a data-based process of designing and adapting evidence-based interventions to meet the specific needs of a child and facilitate progress toward a goal. It is an evidenced-based component of RTI models that allows for individualized, intensive instruction. The diagnostic assessments, such as the standardized tests we are using in the clinic, as well as work samples, functional behavior assessments, and dynamic assessments help educators identify specific areas in which a child is struggling. These areas are then targeted for intensive intervention. Progress is consistently monitored and the intervention is adapted or changed depending on the results of ongoing assessment. Dynamic assessments can help in qualitatively improving an intervention by providing information related to needed assistance, student responses, and the environment. This is the type of process that special educators should be using when providing “specialized services” and helping students meet their IEP goals. Source: Danielson, L. & Rosenquist, C. Introduction to the TEC special issue on data-based individualization. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(4), 6-12.
The Process Source: Danielson, L. & Rosenquist, C. Introduction to the TEC special issue on data-based individualization. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 46(4), 6-12.
Using the Collaborative Assessment Conference (CAC) as DBDM The CAC is a conversation amongst professionals to learn directly from student work. Using the CAC format allows for unbiased, objective interpretations of student work. The CAC follows a structured protocol to ensure that valuable data are collaboratively gathered in a short amount of time For our purposes the sample of student work should be in the academic area of concern. Tonight: Determine the sample of student work you would like to use, so that we can make copies for each data team member. You must analyze the sample of student work prior to the meeting next week. Our data meeting will be on Tuesday--- you will collect work samples this coming Saturday. The take away: How can we further support student learning? How does/doesn’t the assessment demonstrate student learning? What have we learned through the CAC process?
Samples of Student Work: Discuss the kinds of objective things you can see here.
Dynamic Assessment and Examples SPEd 576
Dynamic Assessment in the clinic Why are we assessing? What was the guiding questions from our last data meeting? In what ways will our assessment inform our next steps of the child’s learning? (Lauchlan, 2013) What kind of feedback will we/this provide to the student? How can we make learning efficient? This feedback will come in two forms: written in the report as a DVD directly to the child
4 steps to creating a dynamic Assessment edited for Clinic Use Assessment: all the tests we have/are doing in the clinic Feedback: The learning profile we are continuously working on Intervention: Strategies that we think will improve students learning The targeted area for learning (select protocol on Thursday) Plan to implement the intervention/strategy The protocol for reassessment 4) Review and Update the Learning Profile Decide what you are using as an intervention and begin writing your DA protocol. Dynamic Assessments that have already been created are on the website
Dynamic Assessment Materials Www.assessmentclinicuic.wordpress.com Dynamic Assessment Materials Protocol- Protocols for D.A’s must be completed and checked by your instructor before you can administer your D.A. Examples: Let’s look at a few styles of D.A- Interviews, mini lessons, etc. USE THE WEBSITE as a guide. Interns need to think about their assessments prior to next week, gather materials they may needs, and have the protocol done by the end of class next week. Really think about “what is information I want to get out of this assessment?”
“Collaborative Assessment Conference” next Class… February 28 Class 8-E Data Team Meeting #2: “Collaborative Assessment Conference” CAC w/ Student Work Sample 1) Data Team Meeting #2: “Collaborative Assessment Conference” 3) Collaborative Writing: Results from Intern Testing Days 4) Dynamic Assessment Protocol Due at the end of class. 5) PRACTICE Video Lecture 1) Tutorials Applicable to your test day 2) Intro to Affective Measures 3) All Affective Tutorials Mandatory Reading: 1) Lauchlin & Carrigan Section 2 PRACTICE YOUR TESTS! DUE: QUIZ: Online Quiz #4 Student work sample & prep for CAC BRING: laptops binders testing materials for practice