Keyboarding Skills Objective 1.04: Execute the touch method in operating the numeric keypad
Essential Question What is the numeric keypad used for?
Touch Typing Touch typing – also known as the touch method of keyboarding, is the ability to type without looking at the keys on the keyboard
The Numeric Keypad Numeric keypad – keys at the right side of the keyboard, used to enter numbers and perform calculations Num Lock – key that must be activated in order to use the numeric keypad
The Numeric Keypad Compare the arrangement of the keys of a computer numeric keypad to that of a telephone Telephone keypad Numeric Keypad
Finger Position Home Row keys – the row of keys on the keyboard on which your fingers rest when not typing 4, 5, 6, Enter, 0
Finger Position Home Row Keys – 4 5 6 Enter and 0 The right index finger rests on the 4 The right middle finger rests on the 5 The right ring finger rests on the 6 The right little finger rests on the Enter key The right thumb rests on the 0 key
The Numeric Keypad / + Enter - * Num Lock 7 Home 8 9 PgUp 6 5 4 1 End 2 3 PgDn . Del Ins Right Index Finger Controls the 1 4 7 Num Lock key Middle Finger Controls the 2 5 8 and / keys Right Ring Finger Controls the . 3 6 9 and * keys Right Little Finger Controls the Enter + and – keys Right Thumb Controls the 0 key Commas are formatted into a document at a later time. When you type 1,234 – You only strike the 1 2 3 and 4 keys /
Mathematical Operations Plus Sign (+): used to add numbers (sum or total). Dash Sign (-): used to subtract numbers (difference). Asterisk Sign (*): used to multiply numbers (product). Diagonal Sign (/): used to divide numbers.