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Presentation transcript:

Body Paragraphs English 9A Writing a Paper Body Paragraphs English 9A

Support Paragraphs Goals: Introduce all of the specific evidence, in this case the text examples) that supports your claim and statement of order. Provide analysis, or explanations of how your text examples support your claim and statement of order. Use rhetorical appeals in your analysis of the evidence.

Logical Order Support Paragraphs – Lead with your strongest evidence. The order of your support paragraphs should match the pattern in your statement of order. Ex: If your statement of order is: Through careful examination of Adnan’s behavior, Jay’s testimony, and the State’s case… Your first support paragraph should be about Adnan’s behavior.

Body Paragraphs A= Analysis of your evidence (explain why/how Each body paragraph contains TEA T= Topic sentence E= Evidence to back up your paragraph A= Analysis of your evidence (explain why/how the evidence supports your main idea) Actually T, E, A, E, A

T=topic sentence Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence. The topic sentence lets the reader know what that paragraph will be about. Ex. To begin, what makes Adnan look most guilty is his own illogical behavior.

E=Evidence Evidence: You need to support your claim with textual evidence (support found in the literature) Each body paragraph should contain at least two pieces of textual evidence to support your position. For textual evidence, you must use a direct quote from the podcast or the memory article. You may paraphrase evidence, but it will not count toward your two required quotes. USE YOUR HERO CHART. THAT’S WHY WE DID IT!

Types of Evidence: Direct Quotes When using an author’s exact words, we always place them in quotations with a parenthetical citation immedediately following. What goes in parenthesis depends on the type of text from which you are borrowing. The proper format for direct citation is as follows: “The exact words from the podcast go here” (Koenig, “Episode Title”). Notice that the quotation marks come before the parentheses and the sentence’s punctuation goes after the closing parentheses!

Types of Evidence: Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is writing what happened in your own words. When you paraphrase, you must still give a citation so the reader will know where to find that part of the story. The correct format for paraphrasing is as follows: You would write your paraphrase here (Koenig, “Episode Title”).

A=Analysis Analysis is when you explain to readers how your evidence backs up your claim. In our model, remember our claim is that Adnan is guilty but wrongfully convicted. Our first body paragraph is about Adnan’s illogical behavior. For the evidence, you would cite two examples of Adnan’s illogical behavior For the analysis, you need to explain to readers how this illogical behavior shows that he is guilty but also why he was wrongfully convicted. Don’t forget to use ethos, pathos, or logos!

Leadership is a characteristic found in many heroes and Odysseus demonstrates this quality. (T)Leadership is described as a process of social influence where a person can enlist the support of others to accomplish a task. In the episode, “The Lotus Eaters”, Odysseus shows the heroic quality of leadership when it says, “they longed to stay forever, browsing on/ that native bloom, forgetful of their homeland. I drove them, all three wailing, to the ships, / tied them down under their rowing benches, / and called the rest; ’All hands aboard/ come, clear the bench and no one taste/ the Lotus, or you lose your hope of home.”(209-215).(E) Like all heroes, Odysseus used his quality of leadership and took control, telling his men not to eat the Lotus as he tied them down under the benches because they could not handle themselves. (A)Another example of Odysseus’ nobleness is displayed in the episode, “The Cyclops”, “I drew it from the coals and my four fellows/ gave me a hand, lugging it near the Cyclops/ as more than natural force nerved them; Straight/ forward they sprinted, lifted it, and rammed it/ deep in his crater eye, and I leaned on it/ turning it as a shipwright turns a drill/ in planking, having men below to swing the two-handled strap that spins it in the groove.” (374-381). (E) In this episode Odysseus was the captain of the whole idea of thrusting the spike into the Cyclops’ eye. Heroes always lead dangerous, life-threatening missions just as Odysseus has done in “The Cyclops”. (A)One must agree given the definition of a leader that Odysseus has displayed that quality of leadership. (Logos)In addition to leadership, Odysseus is also very wise.

Don’t forget! Use transitions from one thought to another. Let’s move beyond “first” and “secondly”. Try these instead: TO ADD: TO SHOW THE OPPOSITE: Moreover On the other hand In addition to Conversely Also In contrast Furthermore However Likewise Nevertheless Additionally Regardless of this

Counter Argument Paragraph The Counter Argument paragraph shows your readers that you’re being fair, that you’ve carefully thought about both sides of a debate before making up your mind. Introduce the Opposing Argument One could say...  One may argue that... Acknowledge parts of the opposition that are valid (briefly) Counter the Argument Nevertheless, However, Give strong evidence to support your counterargument Rebuttal needs to be strong and convincing to show your claim is superior!

Counter Argument/Opposing View Mare sure to include at least one text example in either acknowledgement of the opposing view or in your rebuttal. Same format applies: T (topic sentence) E (example) A (analysis) Use transitions Paraphrase if necessary Don’t forget your analysis!

Counter Argument - Sample Some may argue Odysseus is not a hero because he is unable to lead his men and make them follow orders. This is incorrect in so many ways. It’s wrong because Odysseus always has his men’s interests in mind. The fact that his men’s foolishness and inability to follow directions have little to do with Odysseus’ heroism. For example in Book 10 after being given the bag of wind by Aeolus, while Odysseus sleeps, a crew member says, “Hurry, let’s see what loot is in that sack, how much gold and silver. Break it open, now before he wakes"(10, 49-51). One of Odysseus' crew members opens up the bag out of jealousy thinking it was gold and silver for Odysseus, but it only leads to trouble when they find out it is winds inside the bag guiding them home. A true hero like Odysseus would never keep riches from his loyal crew or keep secrets from them unless he thought it was in their best interest. Odysseus, even if he wasn’t able to control his men, always had their best interest at heart.

Counter Argument - Sample Some people believe Odysseus is not a hero due to him being cowardly. Using the earlier example from “The Sirens”, Odysseus failed to tell his crew, six of them would die from Scylla and some say it is cowardly because he did not want his men to leave him, to try and find another way. However, Tiresias had said that was the only path they could take so Odysseus knew they would have all died if they tried finding another way. They must go that way anyways so why make them scared if the death of six men is inevitable. Also, in the story, “Circe and Odysseus” Odysseus makes a decision that some may disagree with, a decision to stay behind while his men bravely went to explore the unknown island. The passage states, ”Eurylochus and twenty two of the other men were chosen to go forth and investigate.” Odysseus chose not to go investigate the island, which actually proved to be an intelligent decision. He is the leader on this quest and without him; his crew would not have made it as far as they did. To conclude, Odysseus’ choices of staying on the boat and not telling his crew about Scylla were not the decisions of a coward, but the decisions of a wise leader.

Conclusion Review the main points of your essay Restate your claim – BUT IN A NEW WAY End with: Use a quotation IF YOU DID NOT BEGIN WITH ONE Evoke a vivid image End with a warning Universalize (compare to other situations) Circle back to your attention getter/critical context