Country Life Expectancy Argentina 56 Canada 80 Ghana 55 India 60 Japan 82 Kenya Namibia 43 Peru Sweden 81 UK 77 USA 78 Country Life Expectancy Argentina 56 Canada 80 Ghana 55 India 60 Japan 82 Kenya Namibia 43 Peru Sweden 81 UK 77 USA 78
3. Add labels: The Brandt Line Rich North Poor South TASK: Colour in the countries according to whether they are rich or poor (red = rich, blue = poor) Is there a pattern? Sweden Canada UK USA Japan India Ghana Kenya Peru This line splits the rich north from the poor south. It’s called the Brandt Line. Namibia Argentina 3. Add labels: The Brandt Line Rich North Poor South 4. Which countries are found in the South, but is actually rich so it’s been included in the North?