Criteria Basic Sound High Outstanding Stg 1 Informative Purpose & Audience * Text is very short – less than ½ pg * Does not convey any relevant information * Difficult to follow * Incorrect purpose * Writes a short informative text (about ¾ to 1 page) * Expresses simple facts about the topic * Uses personal knowledge and experiences * Uses topic knowledge from shared discussions/reading as well as own ideas * Expresses clear and relevant facts and details * Text is longer (more than 1 page) * Text is persuasive/expresses a point of view * Reader can easily follow the text * Text is consistent and effective and relevant Structure & Ideas * May use a simple title – or copied from modelled text or familiar text * No opening statement * Ideas not related to the topic * Mostly copies modelled text * Lists random statements * Uses a title to identify the topic * Uses a simple opening statement to identify the topic but within rest of text * Tries to group facts and details into sections (scaffolded by the teacher) * Uses own experiences and knowledge * Uses familiar topics * Introduction is separate to the body of the text * There are two or more areas / events in the topic covered in detail * All Ideas are connected and relevant * May include some unfamiliar topics/ content / information * Text features a clear and separate introduction with some detail * Body has at least 3 different aspects with solid supporting evidence for each * Sections are paragraphed * Body contains key information on the issue * Uses interesting and relevant ideas beyond just self (wider world – own research) Grammar * Many errors in subject / verb agreement, pronoun use. * Incorrect use of conjunctions * Very few simple noun groups * Mostly uses correct subject/verb agreement and noun/pronoun agreement * Uses simple conjunctions (and, then) * Uses some simple prepositions * As for ‘SOUND’ but with extra conjunctions eg: so, but, however * Mostly uses correct verb tense including for irregular verbs * Correct subject/ pronoun links * Correct subject / verb agreement * Correct form of preposition before a noun * Correct verb tense Punctuation * Several errors in standard sentence punctuation * One paragraph for whole text / or new paragraph for each line or sentence of text * Incorrect use of apostrophes for plurals * Experiments with using paragraphs to group chunks of text * Uses capital letters to start most sentences * Uses full stops to end most sentences (but these may be long run on sentences) * Uses some question /exclamation marks * Uses capitals correctly for proper nouns * Uses commas to separate items in a list * Correctly uses all question/exclamation marks * Uses some apostrophes for simple contractions * Experiments with speech marks * Use correct sentence punctuation for most (80%) sentences * Use apostrophes for all contractions * Correctly use direct speech punctuation * Use paragraphs for key structural parts of the text with logically grouped sentences Vocabulary (including cohesive language) * No use of noun groups / or only very simple single adjectives used * No subject specific vocabulary * Repetitive and…then * Little or no description * Uses some words to describe things / events / actions * Uses at least 2 examples of specific topic or technical vocabulary * Uses a rhetorical question * Uses words and link ideas and events in a text – time connectives * Uses simple language for cause / effect * Uses some technical language (3 examples) * Uses several (4 +) different examples of technical language * Uses highly effective description * Word choice is effective, engaging, evaluative and informative Sentence structure * Most sentences are simple * Experiments with simple compound sentences. * May have run on sentences * Meaning of several sentences unclear * Some evidence of basic compound sentences (and, then) * Most sentences have a clear meaning and are understood * Most sentences structured correctly *Experiments with 1-2 complex sentences * There is a wider variety of compound sentences using different conjunctions. * Meaning of almost all sentences is clear * No run on sentences * Includes 2-3 complex sentences * Uses several complex sentences correctly with adverbials and adjectival clauses * Uses prepositional phrases/clauses * Does not overuse ‘and’ or ‘then’ * Sentences use different beginning structures Spelling * Several errors in common sight words and high frequency words * Spelling approximations are frequently missing initial or final sounds * Spelling approximations frequently miss common blends eg) sh, th, br * Spells most high frequency and common sight words correctly * Spells most words using double consonants correctly * Spells most words with common blends correctly * Spells some irregular words correctly * Spells almost all high frequency and sight words correctly * Spells many words with irregular spelling correctly * Recognises and indicates words which are spelt incorrectly (circling, underlining etc) Spells all common sight words and high frequency correctly as well as common homophones. Good approximations of more difficult words using spelling strategies Planning and editing * Does not plan. * Does not use of modelled words * There is no evidence of deliberate editing * Uses some modelled words and ideas * Rereads text after writing * Some use of simple planning / use scaffold * Shows simple editing eg: circles spelling * Makes more detailed notes of own ideas * Edits during the writing process as well as rereading afterwards * Edits for spelling, structure and punctuation * There is evidence of planning (verbal / written / graphic) * Evidence of self editing for meaning, grammar, vocab, punctuation(3 examples.)
Criteria Basic Sound High Outstanding Stg 2 Purpose & Audience Informative Text is not very informative (may use one or two weak examples) Reader cannot easily follow the text Text is inconsistent and ineffective May simply recount or just describe Text is informative Reader can easily follow the text Text is consistent and effective * Content and topic linked to personal and / or shared experiences Text is highly informative using some different effective techniques and engages the reader throughout Content is well organised (paragraphing, headings, sub headings) * Text features sustained use of excellent and quite varied informative devices to meet the needs of an identified audience. * Topic of text is relevant to the audience. Structure & Ideas Text is very short (less than 1 page) Does not have a clear introduction (may or may not be separate) Only one aspect of topic included - Or has 2 aspects but both are lacking detail Or has a list of facts all in separate sentences / dot points Evidence only relates to familiar/personal ideas and knowledge No use of diagrams or may have one picture at the end No or random paragraphing Text features a clear introduction to identify / classify topic Body has at least 3 different aspects of topic with supporting details for each Body contains key relevant information * Uses ideas drawn from their own research but some facts may not be relevant uses paragraphs to separate aspects of information clearly Uses 2+ visual images (may be added at end) * As for ‘SOUND’, but has at least 4 different aspects / events of topic with highly relevant and informative details for each * Text is longer and uses excellent paragraphing or subheadings * Uses at least 2 different types of evidence eg) data, survey results, expert quotes, international organisations * All ideas are relevant and effective * Uses 2+ visual images but thoughtfully placed within relevant section of text and with a brief label/caption * Has a brief list of references As for ‘HIGH’ but also: Is an extended, more detailed text. Conclusion summarises * Uses 3 or more different types of evidence eg) data, survey results, expert quotes, international organisations Uses complex details based on own research and wider view of the world beyond themselves Effectively uses 4+ visuals (not all images but diagrams/graphs etc) All images correctly labelled * Has an effective reference list Grammar * More than 4 errors in the elements listed in ‘SOUND’ (in total – not of each element) * Uses correct subject/ pronoun links * Uses correct subject / verb agreement * Uses correct form of preposition * Uses correct verb tense (allow 1-3 errors combined over whole text) * All sentences are grammatically correct with regards to elements listed in ‘SOUND’ * As for ‘HIGH’, but there must be evidence of at least 5 complex sentences within the text that show correct use of the elements listed in ‘SOUND’. (so not just accurate using only simple and standard compound sentences. * Text uses topic sentences for most paragraphs Punctuation * Several missing sentence capitals and/or full stops and stray capitals * Incorrect use of apostrophe for contraction * Use of random paragraphs * Uses correct sentence punctuation for most (80%) sentences * Uses apostrophes for contractions * Uses paragraphs for key structural parts of the text with logically grouped sentences * Always uses correct sentence punctuation for * Uses paragraphs highly effectively * Uses at least 1 other type of punctuation eg: brackets, dash, hyphen, dot points * As for ‘HIGH” but also: * Uses commas to separate most clauses * Uses complex punctuation (at least 3 times) to engage the audience and achieve purpose eg: brackets, dashes, dot points Vocabulary (including cohesive language) * Uses 3 (or fewer) examples of specific / technical language * Uses only simple or repeated adverbs and adjectives eg) big, quick, black * Several errors in use of connectives and conjunctions eg: run on sentences using and / then * Copied large sections from other texts * Uses several (3 +) different examples of specific / technical language * Uses some noun and verb groups for description * Mostly uses conjunctions and connectives to link ideas correctly * Word choice is effective, engaging, informative and descriptive * Uses 4+ examples of different examples of technical / specific language * Uses highly effective noun groups and verb groups * Always uses correct and varied conjunctions, connectives and pronoun references to link ideas (cause/effect) * Uses some figurative language eg) simile, * Uses a clever combination of informative, descriptive &evaluative language (5+ examples) eg: irony, humour, metaphor, * Use idiomatic expressions as well as objective language to impact the audience. * Uses a variety of connectives to add information, clarify understanding, show cause and effect and compare / contrast Sentence structure * Uses mostly simple sentences and compound sentences * Does not include prepositional or adverbial clauses/phrases but may use single adverb or preposition * Over use of ‘and’ or ‘then’ * Uses several complex sentences correctly * Uses prepositional phrases/clauses and / or * Uses adverbial phrases/clauses * Sentences use different beginning structures * As for ‘SOUND’ but also: * Uses several (3+) different types of complex sentences correctly * Effectively combines a range of simple, compound and complex sentences to engage the audience * As for ‘HIGH’ but also: * At least 5 Sentences feature main and subordinate clauses correctly. * Uses short sentences to build up interest and long sentences to add detail. * All sentences are correct Spelling * Correctly spells 1 syllable words, uses common blends, spells most common sight words and high frequency words * Spells all common sight words, high frequency and common homophones. * Good approximations of more difficult words * Effectively uses a variety of spelling strategies to spell some more difficult words (multi syllabic/ difficult vowel patterns ea,ee, ion, suffixes, etc) * Correctly spells words with unstressed syllables, unusual consonant patterns * Spells many multisyllabic and difficult words Planning and editing * Minimal evidence of planning * Minimal evidence of self editing and then only for simple spelling and / or sentence punctuation * There is evidence of planning (verbal / written / graphic) * Evidence of self editing for meaning, grammar, vocab, punctuation (3+examples.) * May show editing for structural improvements and / or content (ideas/arguments/evidence) * Uses a variety of sources to correct self identified spelling errors * Edits work using agreed criteria
Criteria Basic Sound High Outstanding Stg 2 Purpose & Audience Informative I HAVE: Written a short text Tried to be informative * Given facts and details * Written an informative text that is easy to follow * Written a well organised text * Been very informative in some parts of the text Been very informative all the time Written a long and detailed text * Written about the topic so the audience can clearly understand it Structure & Ideas Used a title Written an opening statement to introduce the topic Used one area of information and detail Used a list of statements about the topic Written a clear introduction * Written about at least 3 different areas of the topic Used facts and details to support each area of the topic Used at least 2 visual images Used paragraphs * Used at least 4 different areas of information or events Given each area of topic good supporting evidence (quotes, data, survey) Used ideas and evidence that relate to the wider world * Used different types of labelled images * Written a longer and more detailed text Used a conclusion * Used expert quotes, data and statistics Used details from my own research in my own words Used very effective images and captions Included a list of my references Grammar * Mostly used the correct form of words * Used correct verb tense * Used correct pronouns Used correct grammar eg: verb tense, pronouns, subject/verb agreement Used topic sentences to start some paragraphs Punctuation Sometimes used full stops, question marks or exclamation marks to end sentences Sometimes used capital letters to start sentences Divided my writing into paragraphs * Mostly used correct full stops, capital letters and question marks in my sentences * Used paragraphs to organise my arguments * Always used capitals letters and end of sentence punctuation correctly Used paragraphs well Used headings and subheadings * Used some punctuation such as brackets, dashes or dot points * Used commas correctly * Used a few examples of punctuation such as brackets, hyphens, dashes and dot points Vocabulary (including cohesive language) Used ‘and’ and ‘then’ to join my ideas Used simple adjectives and verbs Copied ideas from other texts * Used some technical language * Used interesting words to join and link ideas and sentences * Used some longer descriptions of events and actions * Used many interesting noun and verb groups * Used a variety of words to link ideas and events clearly * Used lots of technical language * Used informative and evaluative language eg) horrible, best, revolting, worst, amazing * Used a thesaurus to help me make better words choices Sentence structure * Used lots of simple sentences with a single verb in my writing * Used different types and lengths of sentences * Used complex sentences as well as simple sentences * Used lots of complex sentences to add detail * Used some short sentences to add interest Spelling * Spelt some familiar words correctly * Spelt common words correctly * Try to spell some more difficult words * Spelt some more difficult words correctly * Spelt lots of difficult and unusual words correctly * Used a dictionary to help me correct my spelling Planning and editing Thought about what to write before I write Read my writing after I had finished * Planned my ideas before I wrote * Reread my work and made changes to correct word choices, spelling and punctuation. * Shown that I have planned my ideas carefully * Shown that I have edited my arguments and word choices Shown that I planned and researched my ideas before writing Shown that I have carefully edited my writing
Criteria Basic Sound High Outstanding Stg 3 Purpose & Audience Informative Text is sometimes informative Reader can mostly follow the text Text is usually consistent Content is not always linked to the topic Text is short and lacks detail *Features sustained use of informative devices *Content is always linked to the topic *Reader can easily follow the main idea throughout the text *Topic of text is relevant to the audience. *As for ‘SOUND’ but also uses complex subject matter to engage interest of audience and consistently meet its purpose. *A sustained & highly informative text. *As for HIGH but with greater length and detail *Has a strong, credible and consistent voice *Is interesting as well as informative Organisational Structure & Ideas Text does not have a clear introduction to identify or define the topic Body simply examines some aspects of the topic (information and detail missing) Some ideas may not be very important to the topic or irrelevant Ideas are based on personal knowledge Little evidence of research Does not have a conclusion No use of diagrams or visual images to support the topic (may include a single image tacked on to the end) Information is written as a block of text. May have large paragraphs to simply denote introduction / body / conclusion *Text features a simple introduction to identify/classify or name the topic *Body examines several relevant aspects of the topic *Clear evidence of effective research *All ideas are relevant and informative *Has a conclusion to summarise content or provide a final comment *Is an extended text *Aspects of topic separated through paragraphing and/or headings and subheadings *Uses topic sentences in each paragraph and appropriately organises main (independent) and subordinate (dependent) ideas *Uses 3 or more different types of evidence eg) data, surveys, expert quotes, international organisations *Effectively uses 2+ visual aides within text *Includes a strong introduction to provide background information/ define/classify topic *Body shows great depth and variety of information *Information well organised using combination of paragraphs, dot points, headings and subheadings / pages / chapters *Uses more complex details based on wide research which is mostly well referenced *Effectively uses 4+ visuals (not just images but also graphs, diagrams, arrows, flowcharts etc) *All images include captions / descriptive labels *Ideas in text move from general to specific As for ‘HIGH’ but also : *Whole text is coherent, controlled and complete, with all components well developed and highly informative as well as interesting *Conclusion is reflective and relevant *Clearly explains cause and effect relationships in the detailed information *Clearly compares and contrasts aspects of the topic to other relevant ideas/issues/events/phenomena *Always uses correct referencing for evidence gained from other sources eg) newspaper article, website, quote (must include mix of print and digital resources) *Wider use of very effective and thoughtful visual aides *Has assessed the reliability of resources during research Grammar Mostly uses correct subject/ pronoun links; subject / verb agreement; prepositions; verb tense. (has 2-3 errors combined over whole text) There must be evidence of at least 5 complex sentences within the text that show correct use of the elements listed in ‘BASIC’. Use of varied noun and verb groups. Most paragraphs use topic sentences All sentences are grammatically correct with a high level of sentence complexity. Multiple use of different complex sentences. All paragraphs have interesting topic sentences As for ‘HIGH’ but also: *Outstanding use of noun groups for detailed descriptions Punctuation *Use correct sentence punctuation for most (80%) sentences *Use some apostrophes for contractions *Correctly use some direct speech punctuation (speech marks only, not commas) *Rarely uses paragraphs for key ideas *All sentence punctuation correct. *All direct speech punctuation (including commas) correct *Use commas to separate most clauses correctly *Use complex punctuation (at least 3 times) to engage the audience and achieve purpose eg: brackets, dashes, As for ‘SOUND’ but also : *All commas for clauses correct. *Uses complex punctuation (dash, bracket, hyphen, dot points) correctly at least 4 times. *Correctly uses possessive apostrophe As for ‘HIGH” but also effectively and correctly uses colons and semi colons. Vocabulary (including cohesive language) *Uses a few simple(3 +) examples of specific technical / topic vocabulary *Uses simple verb and noun groups *Mostly uses conjunctions and connectives to link simple ideas (eg: and, then, also) *Evidence of copied research – not own words *Uses more detailed noun and verb groups to provide fuller descriptions *Uses connectives and conjunctions to enhance coherence and detail *Uses idiomatic expressions as well as objective language to inform and interest the audience. *Puts research into own words! As for ‘SOUND’ but also: *Attempts to use nominalisation *Language choices are sophisticated *Uses a variety of connectives to add information, clarify understanding, show simple cause and effect and indicate compare / contrast *Uses a diverse and broad range of effective and relevant technical terms throughout the whole text. *Uses nominalisation effectively and appropriately Sentence structure *Minimal use of correct complex sentences. *Mostly uses simple and compound sentences *Uses some prepositional phrases/clauses *Uses some adverbial phrases/clauses *May overuse ‘and’ or ‘then’ *Uses topic sentences in each paragraph *At least 5 sentences feature main and subordinate clauses correctly. *Uses some short sentences to build up interest and some long sentences to add detail. *All sentences are correct (allow 1 complex error) *All sentences are correct. *Sentences vary according to the requirements of the ideas, evidence and audience. *Sentences express precise meaning and purpose. *No useless or meaningless sentences. *All sentences are correct and show great depth of complexity and variety in structure for purpose and audience. Spelling Spells all common sight words and high frequency words correctly as well as common homophones. Uses incorrect approximations of more difficult words using spelling strategies Correctly spells words with unstressed syllables, unusual consonant patterns Spells many multisyllabic and difficult words Uses a dictionary and thesaurus effectively to assist with spelling At least 10 challenging words eg: advantageous, ambiguous, belligerence, exhilarating, As for ‘HIGH but also includes suffixes to words ending in e, c or l (changeable, plasticity) foreign words (lieutenant, nonchalant) 15 + challenging words Planning and editing * There is minimal evidence of planning (verbal / written / graphic) * Little evidence of self editing for meaning, grammar, vocab, punctuation *Uses a variety of sources to correct self identified spelling errors *Seeks and responds to feedback from others *Refines writing in response to feedback *Critically reflects on own writing and uses this to refine own text. (paragraphing, spelling, punctuation, refining ideas, word choice etc) *Explains own editing choices *Identifies aspects of own writing that demonstrate their own growth as an author
Criteria Basic Sound High Outstanding Stg 3 Purpose & Audience Informative I HAVE: Written a short text Given some information about my topic Written a detailed text Given lots of information my reader can understand Written a very detailed text Made sure my writing stays on the topic Written a very informative as well as interesting text Written a text that other people enjoyed reading Organisational Structure & Ideas Written my information in no particular order Used information that I already knew Tried to write about one or two different parts of the topic Used an introduction to identify / classify the topic Used research from books and the internet Used paragraphs and sub headings to organise different information Used pictures and diagrams Used a strong introduction to give background information Used a variety of interesting information Referenced my research Used different visuals with captions and labels Organised my text clearly using paragraphs, heading, dot points Written a well organised informative text Used a clear conclusion to summarise the main points Have clearly explained cause and effect relationships Have compared and contrasted parts of the topic Grammar Tried to use correct subject / verb agreement in my sentences Correctly used pronouns Correct subject/verb agreement for all sentences Correct verb tense for all sentences Used some detailed noun groups Used many interesting and descriptive nun and verb groups All sentences grammatically correct Punctuation Mostly used full stops and capital letters for sentences Tried to use apostrophes for contractions Tried to use one or two paragraphs for my information Always used correct sentence punctuation Used commas to separate items in a sentence Used some brackets or dashes to add detail Used paragraphs well As for ‘SOUND’ but also: Used commas to separate clauses in a sentence Used dot points Used possessive apostrophes when needed As for ‘HIGH’ but also: Used colons and semi colons correctly Vocabulary (including cohesive language) Used words like and, then, also to link my ideas and information Copied words from my research Put research into my own words Used a variety of to join and link ideas and sentences Used some technical topic words * Used interesting noun groups to describe Used many complex technical and topic related words Made excellent language choices throughout the whole text to add detail and to link ideas and information Used a wide range of word choices Sentence structure Mostly used simple sentences with a single verb in my writing Sometimes linked ideas in sentences using and, also, then Used topic sentences for most of my paragraphs Use different types and lengths of sentences Used complex sentences as well as simple sentences Made sure that all sentences are on the topic Used lots of complex sentences to add detail Made sure all my sentences make sense Spelling Spelt some familiar words correctly Used word banks from around the room Spelt all common words correctly Tried to spell some more difficult words using strategies I learnt in class Spelt some more difficult words correctly Identified words I do not know how to spell correctly * Spelt lots of difficult and unusual words correctly * Used a dictionary to help me correct my spelling * Used a thesaurus to help me make better words choices Planning and editing Thought about what to write before I write Read my writing after I have finished * Created a sketchnote/idea map/flowchart before writing * Made changes after getting feedback * Used research to help me plan Reflected on and edited my own or a peer’s writing Explained my editing choices *As for ‘HIGH’ but also: Identified parts of my writing that show my growth and improvement as a writer
Criteria Basic Sound High O Purpose & audience Structure & ideas Vocabulary Sentences Grammar Spelling Punctuation Plan & edit Comment: Criteria Basic Sound High O Purpose & audience Structure & ideas Vocabulary Sentences Grammar Spelling Punctuation Plan & edit Comment: Criteria Basic Sound High O Purpose & audience Structure & ideas Vocabulary Sentences Grammar Spelling Punctuation Plan & edit Comment: