I. Boundaries between Free and Slave States Mason-Dixon Line Border established during the 13 colonies (seperated free and slave states) PA’s southern border from Atlantic Ocean to Appalachian Mts. B. Ohio River Northwest Ordinance - no slavery north of Ohio River from Appalachians to Mississippi River
II. Compromises over Slavery A. 3/5 Compromise - 1787 Constitutional Convention - slaves counted as 3/5s for taxation and representation
In Wilmot Proviso, Senate was controlled by South B. Missouri Compromise - 1820 MO slave, ME free, no slavery north of 36°30’ C. Wilmot Proviso - 1846 attempt to ban slavery in Mexican Cession (failed) Problem of keeping a balance between slave and free states came up when Missouri entered the union as a slave state in 1820. Maine became a free state at the same time, so that there would be an equal number of slave and free states. It not only created those two new states, but it said that the rest of the territory left from the LA Purchase would be free territory (and later free states). For 30 years it seemed as though this was a reasonable request. However, the compromise would eventually be broken. Land south of 36º30’ was open to slavery; land north of it was free In Wilmot Proviso, Senate was controlled by South
D. Compromise of 1850 CA asked to join as free state Proposed by Henry Clay CA admitted as free state no slave trade in D.C. Mexican Cession divided into 2 territories: Utah & New Mexico decide slave issue themselves (popular sovereignty) strict fugitive slave law The slavery issue is becoming even more of a bigger deal. Some in the Southern colonies, i.e. John Calhoun from SC, cannot imagine the South without slavery-he thinks it’s a positive good. He is starting to hint that SC should secede from the Union and nullify any laws they don’t agree with. Other Southerners (Robert E. Lee) and KY’s Cassius Clay (Henry Clay’s cousin) are against slavery. Clay has actually freed all of his slaves and taken abuse, even gunfire, for his beliefs. Henry Clay from KY realizes that this is going to divide the U.S. and begins working on a compromise. As soon as people hear Clay is going to speak about this issue, they pack the Senate chamber. Clay is 73 years old and as a bad cough. He pleas for tolerance and understanding from both sides.