Task 2.3 Optimization and coordination of existing TMA systems, improved data delivery for predictions and identification of gaps [Lead: HAV; Participants: NERC, MRI, MSS, UNIRES, GEOMAR, NIOZ, SAMS, UOW, MEOPAR, Month 1-42, Deliverables associated: D2.7, D2.8] The RAPID and OSNAP array will be inspected to report on the minimum data necessary to recover key ocean circulation changes from these arrays. For both arrays near real time data access using telemetry development (funded under FP7 NACLIM project, under H2020 by AtlantOS and by NERC in the UK) and the integration of this information with operational climate services such as Copernicus will be examined (D2.7) [GEOMAR, NERC, NIOZ, SAMS, MEOPAR] Better and less resource demanding estimates of volume- and heat transport in the Atlantic inflow to the Nordic Seas will be obtained by better integration of satellite data with the existing GSR observatory. This will also allow more rapid data availability and access for a wider modelling community. Improvements in estimates will be achieved by developing algorithms integrating new Earth Observations when operational (Jason/Sentinel). (D2.8) [HAV, MSS, UNIRES, MRI]. We will build on the initiative taken by AtlantOS to establish a web site for high-level TMA products in order to ensure that all the monitored gateways between the Arctic and the Atlantic/Pacific are included. Gateway that presently are not or are insufficiently monitored will be identified. This work will involve Blue-Action non- EU partners and should be coordinated with BG9. [HAV, NERC, MRI, MSS, GEOMAR, NIOZ, SAMS, UOW]
D2.7 Cost-benefit analysis of the RAPID and OSNAP arrays [GEOMAR, NERC, NIOZ, SAMS, MEOPAR] Month 42 = 2021 The RAPID and OSNAP array will be inspected to report on the minimum data necessary to recover key ocean circulation changes from these arrays. For both arrays near real time data access using telemetry development (funded under FP7 NACLIM project, under H2020 by AtlantOS and by NERC in the UK) and the integration of this information with operational climate services such as Copernicus will be examined
Cost / benefit RAPID: RAPID/OSNAP: The attached plot is taken from McCarthy et al. (2017) where we looked at the variance from each of the key components of the RAPID array. We found that measuring to 1500 m in the eastern boundary, western boundary wedge and to 3500 m at the western boundary returns all the variability as observed with the array since 2004. However, we looked in suite of CMIP5 models to see if this configuration would be sufficient to detect future changes predicted in the AMOC. We found that it would not. The model results indicate that deep and basinwide measurements were needed to fully detect future AMOC changes. RAPID/OSNAP: We have continued our investigations under Blue Action. We are looking at the approx. decadal timescale variability that emphasizes that 50% of the long term trend in the AMOC occurs in the deep waters. (presneted at ACSIS-RAPID-OSNAP meeting in Oxford). McCarthy, G. D., M. B. Menary, J. V. Mecking, B. I. Moat, W. E. Johns, M. B. Andrews, D. Rayner, and D. A. Smeed (2017), The importance of deep, basinwide measurements in optimized Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation observing arrays, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JC012200.
Status Real-time data RAPID (Darren Rayner, NOCS): OSNAP MYRTLE based Lander system (partly funded by NACLIM) with 8 pods was recovered in Spring 2017 (testsite: EBHi mooring in 4500m in 2015) – no data transmission. Analysis: some pods released but did not send data via Iridium. Flloded houdising, acoustic modem to the lander worked. Some code bugs (too large filesize). Ocean Technology and Engineering group at NOC running a thorough design review (electronics, software, hardware) and redesigning the electronics (Micro-processor). Extensive test prior to field trials planned. Testing off Gran Canaria delayed until Summer 2018, deploy a working system on RAPID Autumn 2018 (next service cruise). Started developing Wave Glider based system (funded ACSIS). Design based on MBARI Hotspot system. Testing has progressed faster than redesigning MYRTLE, plan on trials off Gran Canaria in 2018 (subject to feedback from the RAPID programme advisory group). OSNAP Real time data available from OOI moorings (Irminger Sea) part of OSNAP East Real-time data from glider – but not accessible (at least I could not find it – Stuart Cunningham may know)
The Blue-Action project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727852